Fifteen Years Later Kendall, Kylie, Stormi Are Saved

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The last fifteen years have been absolute agony and hell for all of us including our friends but it was worse for Kendall, myself, and my daughter Stormi who really was made to suffer by these assholes keeping us in this place as whores and slaves. The worst thing was the amount of money we all made in the past thirty years our online pornsites that are set up to show us under our own profiles have made our master and owner over ten billion a year for each of us but since he made my daughter really suffer he made double the money off Stormi each year making twenty billion of her each year from renting us out to clients and making porn off us and since nobody can find us yet he has made 300 billion dollars off of Kendall and I in the last thirty years including making the same amount of my daughter Stormi Webster Jenner making us suffer as we were forced to watch my daughter degradation. I knew our powers had almost grown enough to let us escape our captors within the next few days causing us to plan secretly in order to ensure that our owner does not try to sell us to someone else not knowing that there are not a lot of slave owners left in the world thanks to our soulmate will wiping them out anytime they try to establish themselves. We all might be old in age but thanks to our powers we all look the same as we did in our late teens since our family and friends are some the family's that stopped aging at twenty-one years old. Our mom Kris Jenner stopped aging in her early thirties becoming immortal due to the soulmate she has somewhere out in the world. Our grandma was given a special elixir developed by our girlfriend that can reverse the aging process back to twenty-one years old and keep the looking like that for five hundred years before they start to age. The infinity elixir that happens to be in pill form also keeps your body in prefect shape and health. Once you start aging again after five hundred years you age normal until you die unless you take another pill to reverse your age again. When you have children again after taking this elixir your children have the elixir in there genetics passing it down through the generations allowing their children to live one thousand years even before dying unless your from our family or our friends family's who are now immortal and invulnerable once they stop aging at twenty-one years of age. I could feel my power bursting to the surface of my skin telling me that my full powers are now fully prepared slowly breaking the bimbo spell on me. When our master entered the room he was smiling in a very creepy way before telling us that he would be bringing our daughters here to replace us since he was selling all of us to a brothel that was on a neighboring island called The Shimmering Mermaid causing us to recognize that as the whorehouse owned by my brother in law Hadrian Potter being the largest brothel and porn company in the world as it was the largest brothel in the world too generating close to ten trillion dollars a year according to Kendall and my soulmate. Our soulmate Willow told Kendall and I about their family businesses after we were married since it was also that allowed underage girls to work there. The youngest underage person male or female that could work there was to not be any younger then ten and could only to oral and scat until they reached fifteen years off age. There were also bracelets and rings that would keep sexual transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy's from happening when people wore the custom bracelets or rings of there choice. The rings were also genetically coded to only work for the people they are made for. My sister and I are wearing six of our locked Cartier bracelets on each arm which were left on our arm to not even come off even with magic. We were all made from what our slave owner was saying but with our telepathy we told our friends to stay calm until we were moved to our new location since we would be freed there by the owner since it should be Me and Kendall's brother in law Hadrian Evans Peverell since his family has owned the new brothel for two thousand years. The good thing is our bracelets will keep us from getting pregnant again until we want more kids. As we were prepared for our last day of clients since we were sold to our new owner last night we cried knowing our suffering was almost over. Once we were done being prepared we were locked in our rooms to serve our clients. I hated this life even though I knew we were being moved tonight we were still in hell and wanted to get out but knew that it would be to hard to get everyone out with just Kendall, Stormi , and I's powers given that there at least thirty celebs as slaves trapped here which would have us only able to save our close friends given that the three of us could only help six others including us since our flame travel powers are not at their full capabilities given that we were trapped behind a powerful barrier for the past thirty years. We would be able to punch through with our powers destroying the entire barrier but since we haven't used our powers in a long time we would pass out from using to many of our powers at once to breal the barriers. 

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