The Arrival Of The Kardashian's Part Two

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I was worried I would not get to New York in time to see my sister Kendall by tonight until her girlfriend told my mom that she would send one of her planes to Cleveland, Ohio to pick me, Scott, my kids, Khloe, and her newborn daughter True up to bring us to New York City. When we heard that my sister Kendall was almost raped by five creeps, we were pretty upset at what happened giving us an extreme dislike to people like that that was a lot stronger than it was before since we never hated anyone before. Once we were ready, we got to the airport by nine P.M. at night instead of ten o'clock since we were already packed since we were supposed to leave for our homes in Calabasas, California tomorrow morning. Since my sister was almost raped, we would be going to New York to make sure she was okay. I can't believe someone could do that to someone let alone to someone who is sweet and kind as my sister Kendall. My sister Kendall is a very kind, sweet, beautiful, and shy girl who would be friendly with anyone who was kind to her or her friends, and family. My sister Kylie was very pissed off at what almost happened in fact I have never seen or heard of one of my little sisters being that angry or enraged before. My mom told me that we would be meeting in the new one thousand floor Sinclair Industries towers that were only recently done be built. When I heard we would be meeting the owner of Sinclair Industries I knew that she was the one who likely saved my sister since she was one of the few our family knows about that has shown their powers in the public eye. We also knew that Willow Isabella Sinclair was the most powerful person in the world due to her powers and her company and wealth. It was even rumored that she has or had a twin brother who has the same powers as her our family also knew that Willow Sinclair was the richest person in the world with a total net worth of 350 trillion dollars along with her family owning seventy percent of the world's gold due to her ancestor's loaning gold to the world governments over the past ten centuries. The Sinclair family is also rumored to be descended from all major royal families in the world but turned away from that lifestyle four hundred years ago when some of the royal families were getting greedy and trying to kill off many of the claimants to the various royal families in order to take the power for themselves. As we were driving to the plane Scott, and I talked about how we were just not good for each other except as good friends since we still have our three kids together. Scott even told me that he broke up with Sofia Richie to be with me a few months ago but could feel deep down that they were only supposed to be good friends with each other. When he asked if I was dating, I told him no but that I met someone in England who I liked and wanted to date who also was the president of the European branch of Sinclair Industries named Hadrian Peverell who I also knew might be the rumored twin brother of Willow Sinclair since they look very much alike other than him having green eyes. When I told Scott about him, he was happy I found someone and that he might have found someone he could love himself who he was not sure about yet due to the fact that he was not ready to let of me yet since he was unsure how I would feel. I told Scott that I love him, but he needs to be happy himself and that we needed to find our own happiness outside of our children. Once I told him this, he looked sad for a minute until he told me that he knew I was right, and that the world be there for our children for the rest of their lives no matter what happens in the future. I already knew my son Mason would likely be in the movie business since he liked being on television for our family show. I knew that his siblings Reign and Penelope would likely also be well known in the business as models or actors and actresses it is still unknown what my children would want to do since they are talented at many things and succeed in everything they want to do. Once we were on the plane Scott and I kissed and hugged one last time before sitting down with the kids as the plane slowly rose into the before blasting off at very fast speeds that we were not able to feel.       

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