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It has been twenty-five years since we put my descendant Kyle Bruce Jenner into stasis which we decided to move to one of our large family space stations that we have built and updated since early 2050 with very advanced weapons and technology allowing only our family and friends that are trusted to even enter these stations given that they are owned and built by our family along with the high security prisons that are designed by us in space that are so secure that a rat can't even get into them. I was helping Kyle Bruce Jenner's daughter from the rapes he did before he was arrested and imprisoned who were going to keep the Jenner name as one of their last names but would have a second last name that we could foresee would create a great family dynasty in the future on the planet Aria when they build there new family empires on there own islands or on the three large landmasses that we are moving five hundred million people from earth too that want start over without technology. The family's that my descendants are going to start will still have advanced technology in the huge palaces they will build and solar energy panels on them with the ability to rebuild any technology they think is needed when the time is right but I could see by looking into the future that it would be at least 5,000-12,000 years before all other landmasses were able to advanced to current day technology since my family would be the ones who made the choice to help the three landmasses advance in the future when they feel their people are ready. I also knew that after 100 years of ruling each of our descendants on each of these three continents would record there inventions and lives in the family grimoire to be passed down to any descendant along with a family ring or bracelet with all family history and knowledge unless a member of the family was evil, cruel, and greedy which would cause the bracelet,rings, and grimoires to lockup all family knowledge until it is passed to the next person in the family line. I was making my way to the throne room on the station where my mother Kris Jenner was waiting along with my sisters along with our soulmates and children. I even invited my descendant Kyle's fifty daughters since they would be given there new titles and last names after my grandmother was freed from being in stasis for so long. i was dressed in a short black dress with long back robe with my waist long black hair down my back in two long thick braids with black fingerless gloves on my hands showing my black painted fingernails. I asked my family to sit down on the thrones that were in the room before I walked to the middle of the room causing my thigh-high black boots to click on the marble floors stopping once I reached the middle of the room where I raised my hand over the floor causing large holo-screen to pop up showing the entire station before i used the voice identification telling the stations Artificial Intelligence to raise cryo-stasis tube A1 causing the floor to open up slowly before a large purple crystal started to rise out of the floor making a beeping sound allowing me to put the code into the system which caused the crystal to melt away slowly revealing my grandmother for the first time in years all healthy again looking like she is eighteen years old again causing causing me to lead her to the throne in the middle of the room where i gave her a bag of cloned blood for her to drink which she did allowing my grandmother to regain her full powers mastering them very fast. Once we knew that my grandmother had her strength back and that her body was very strong and healthy and that the Corvin Surum worked so many years ago we decided that she did need a check up. 

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