chapter.11 (First Mission)

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It's a short chapter. Still i hope you like it.


Ruby opened the door to her room, still holding hands with Izuku, but with her other hand.

Yang, Blake, Weiss then shot forward. Yang then asked:" what happend?" And Weiss then asked:" and why are you holding hands?"

Izuku and Ruby then immediately let go of each others hand and a blush grew on there face. Izuku then said:" let's focus on the question of Yang, okay."

Blake then asked:" so... what happend?" Ruby then said:" well..."

(Scene change)

Ironwood then says:" well there we have it. We send as many troops as we can to the Southeast and find out exactly what's going on and eradicate every forces that stands in our way."

Glynda replies with:" why must you're answer to everything, involve in a triumph of military bravado? You treat every situation like it's a contest of military po..."

Ozpin cuts her of and says:" Glynda!" Glynda then says:" well he does."

Ozpin then says:" she is right. As much as i love to end this situation once and for all. We must remember that this may go beyond Vale, beyond Beacon and if this is truely part of some master plan that we know not the final move then we mustn't be so bold or we can risk the spread of panic."

Ironwood then says:" i have served you fatefully for years. But if you mean to tell me that you're plan is to merely hold the defences and wait.."

But Ozpin cuts him of and says:" it's not! You're a general James, so tell me when you prepare to go to war, wich do you sent in first the flag bearer or the the scouts.......?"

(Scene change)

Weiss then says after Izuku and Ruby explained what happend:" that was a risky move." Blake then says:" no. I think you two handled it well."

Ruby then said:" i hope so." Izuku then says:" don't beat yourself up about it Ruby. We went in blind, we didn't know what she was capable of." Ruby replies with:" i guess."

Yang then says:" i'm sure everything will be alright Ruby. Oh i know what will cheer you up." Ruby then asks:" and what's that."

Yang then says:" i don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together." Ruby squals and says:" oh something from home." Ruby then jumps at Yang and tries to reach for the package.

Yang shakes with it and... they all look at it and it begins to bark. Izuku then thinks:' a dog in the mail... i have seen everything in life now.' Ruby does a pose and says:" Zwei."

Blake then asks:" he sents a dog?" Weiss then says:" in the mail?" Izuku then thinks:' was about to asks that...'

Ruby is cuddling with zwei and Yang then says:" oh he does stuff like this all the time."

Blake then asked from the bunkbeds to get as far away as possible from Zwei:" you're father or you're dog?"

Weiss then says while looking at Zwei:" are you telling me that this mingy... drooling... mud... is going to live with us forever. Oh yes he is, yes he is."

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