chapter.30 (Remembrance)

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- Last Time -

Izuku and his friends defeated a grimm.. for a Village and as reward.. they could go for free to the blacksmith

- Now -

Weiss was walking around the halls of the mansion she lived in with her family... finnaly coming out of her room, she had locked herself in when she first arrived home.

"Good afternoon sister." She then heard someone say. Weiss turned around to see her brother.

"It's a pleasure to see you out of you're room for a change." The boy said.

"Hello Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today... Why?" Weiss said.

"Klein made crepes as breakfast." Whitley replied with a smile.

"What do you want?" Weiss asked. Whitley ignored the question and said:" I heard father shouting at someone in his office earlier."

"Mother?" Weiss asked. Whitley replied with:" no... she is already drinking in the garden.. I think it was a man."

Weiss looked at Whitley and he then said:" I just wanted to warn you. I heard he asked to speak with you."

"I'll be fine.." Weiss said while not wanting to be in same room as her father.

"I know you will.. you're strong, just like Winter." Whitley then said.

"You.. never liked Winter." Weiss then said. Whitley replied with:" true.. but you can't deny her resolve."

"You.. seem different..?" Weiss then said. Whitley replied with:" and you have been gone... I'll have you know, that I didn't stop growing while you where away at Beacon."

Whitley then turns around and before he walks off, he says:" anyway.. goodluck with father."

"Thank you..." Weiss said, because she knew she needed it.

Weiss then walked towards her father's office.

When Weiss arrived her father's office, she was about to open the door, but stopped when her father said:" I'm not talking about the good of my company. I'm talking about the good of Atlas. Our entire Kingdom."

"That's a load of garbage and you know it." The man said who Weiss reconised the voice of as General Ironwood.

Weiss then opened the door and walked into the room, they didn't seem to have notice her yet.

"I beg you're pardon." Weiss her Father said. Ironwood then replies with:" Jacq... will you please just hear me out?"

"You are a trusted friend and ally to this family James, but what your suggesting is absurd." Jacques said while smashing his gist into the table.

"You are blowing it out of proportion." Ironwood then said.

"The councel will never agree to it." Jacques replied. Ironwood stood up and said:" you forget.. I hold two seats, on the councel."

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