chapter.22 (Fall)

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Izuku woke up and sighed, he then said:" another day to stand at that dammed Noodle shop...."

"Oh.. wait.." Izuku then says, he then remembers. He then says:" wait.. i don't have to work today.. YAY!"

He then heard some one knock on his door, so he opened it and saw Ruby. Ruby then asked while she yawned:" what are you yelling about?"

"Oh Ruby... i'm just happy that i have a free day." Izuku said with a smile. I took a few seconds for Ruby to proces what Izuku said. When she did, she said:" you're going with us."

"EEEEEEEhh..." Izuku responded. Ruby pouted and said:" what? Don't want to spend time with you're girlfriend?"

"You know that's not true." Izuku replied. Ruby smiled and said:" i know, but now you don't have a choice but to go with me."

'No fair...' Izuku thought, he then looked at Ruby who was innecontly smiling at him. Izuku then thinks:' why do you have to be so cute.'

Ruby gave Izuku a closed eyed smile and Izuku responded by giving Ruby a kiss. Ruby opened her eyes in suprise, but after that she melted into the kiss.

They then heard multiple people clear there troat, so they parted and saw the rest of Team RWBIY and team JNPR.

"Go Ruby and Izuku, Go! Go! Go!" Nora then cheered them on. Ren then said:" Nora."

"Yeah.. Ren?" Nora replied. Ren then said:" can you quiet it down."

"Um.... since when where you here..?" Ruby and Izuku both ask. Yang replied while waving her hand:" oh just a few minutes."

"It's quite amusing to watch you two.." Blake then said. Weiss replies with:" what got another idea for a smut fanfic?"

"No...." Blake replies. Pyrrha then inturpted them and said:" excuse me, but i have to go to Ozpin's office."

"Okay, bye Pyrrha." Team JNPR except Pyrrha said and Team RWBIY replied with:" bye Pyrrha."

'So... is Pyrrha the next guardian or whatever that means.. The only thing i found out was something about maidens being some sort of guardian, but that's a fairy tail... although they say that fairy tales have to..." Izuku thinks. But he is snapped out of his thoughts by Ruby who pokes his cheek and says with a smile:" come on let's go."

(Scene change)

"Well it comes as no suprise, that they have chosen you to move on to the final round of the tournement. You're performance has been exemplary." Ozpin says.

"Thank you, Professor Ozpin, but i would never had made it so far without my teammates." Pyrrha replies.

Qrow who was standing in the corner then says:" personally, i think it's the other way around."

"I'm sorry, but i don't believe we've been introduced." Pyrrha then says while she stands up and turns to Qrow who then says:" name is Qrow."

"Qrow is a trusten colleague of mine." Ozpin then says. Pyrrha then says:" Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?"

"Please take a seat." Opzin then says. Pyrrha sits back down and Ozpin then asks:" what is you're favourite fairy tale?"

"I'm sorry." Pyrrha replies, a bit confused by the question. Ozpin then says:" fairy tales. Stories from our childhood. Surely you must remember some of them."

"Well, there's the Tale of the Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in The Tower..." Pyrrha then says, but Ozpin cuts her of by saying:" what about the story of the seasons?"

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