05.act one

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because i'm inlove with her

SHE WALKED INTO THE EMPTY HOUSE and into the Vinnie's room where he was playing video games, she stood at the door waiting for Vinnie's attention but he was too concentrated on the game so she walked behind and wrapped her arms around him " Belle ...

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SHE WALKED INTO THE EMPTY HOUSE and into the Vinnie's room where he was playing video games, she stood at the door waiting for Vinnie's attention but he was too concentrated on the game so she walked behind and wrapped her arms around him " Belle hold on, i'm playing a game" he said which he immediately realised something was wrong because that fragrance wasn't something Belle would wear, he paused his game and turned around to see Faith dressing exactly like Belle " what the fuck" he mumbled under his breath, she looked at herself " you said you'd only be with Belle ? so I dressed like her"

Vinnie laughed " Faith, nothing you do will not make me change the way I feel about her ! I like Belle the way she is, I love her and no matter what you do?  even if you dress exactly like her or even act like her ? I will never be with you" He vented

Faith clenched her fist " it was us ! we were meant to be not you and Belle, it was always you and me" She yelled causing Vinnie to shake his head " there was never you and me." He bluntly told the girl standing in front of him as her eyes fill up with tears, she walked closer to him and force herself onto him.

" what the-" They heard and Vinnie immediately pushed Faith away and now looking at the confused Belle with a bag of McDonald fries, Aaron and Hudson immediately rush over with Johnny at the back " bro what the fuck ?" Hudson clenched his jaw, Vinnie puts his hands up in defence " i didnt do anything"

" okay then why is she dressed like Belle and why do you have lipstick stains on your lips" Johnny snarled " she forced herself onto me"

Faith walked outside, " his mine" she whispered into Belle's ears as she walked pass the girl. Belle stood there with her hands trembling " is what kio said true ?" Belle asked Vinnie who gave her a confused look " what?" she sighed " what kio said about Faith being your first love?"

Vinnie slowly nods his head, "belle i-" she interrupts " maybe this was a bad idea. I'm sorry" Vinnie held onto her hand stopping her from walking away " do you even trust me ?" he asked with a hurt tone in his voice, she lets out a soft laugh " i do but i'm not sure if I can be with you or trust you when your crazy ex is so obsessed with you. Just ask yourself if you're over her because that look on your face says it all." she waited for a reply but nothing, just silence.

" yeah thats what I thought." She threw the bag of fries at Vinnie and walked outside with Johnny behind her

This all felt very familiar to Belle and it was the reason why the only boys she ever talked to was the three boys behind her right now. Her very first boyfriend had an ex that was still obsessed with him and sad to say, one day he cheated on belle with his crazy ex and it scarred her to the point that she was scared to fall in love again. Well, she fell in love again but this time the boy was someone Belle trusted many a little too much that she got attached to him and he turned out to be a cheater and manipulated her.

" you know, we made a bet to see if you were gonna make her happy or break her heart and who knew this would be the way you'd break her heart." Aaron spoke sarcastically.

"You're so lucky your face didnt meet my fist." Hudson laughed and the two walked outside leaving Vinnie alone.

The four got the next flight back to Canada, the whole ride home was quiet well, the silence came from Belle— she just sat there in silence and not saying a single word and as soon as she came home, she ran up to her room and slammed her door shut.

" what happened!" Skylar asked the three boys, they explain everything " but Faith forced herself onto him." Renee groans

" you boys are so stupid." Hazel threw a pillow at three of them.

Vinnie tried calling Belle but she didn't pick up and after the 30th call, she picked it up " hello belle ?" she kept quiet but the boy continued talking " Look, what happened back there was a mess and I am so sorry, can you please just give me a chance to explain?" he asked for permission, " ok" was the only thing that came out from her mouth.

" She came over and she was dressed like you and I told her that i'd never get back with her and I am dead serious, Belle I'm in love with you and I am positive about that so can we please try again? I know I messed up and whatever but please ? just one last chance or something and I promise i wont break your heart, that's the last thing I ever wanted to do ever since I met you because you're just so open and honest and I like that about you, I like you for you." He poured his heart out through the phone.

She just stared at the phone and stayed quiet, she just wanted to hear his voice " hello?"

" i just need time to think." she spoke weakly and ended the call before he could say anything else.

𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝐓 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑻𝑶 𝑴𝑬 - VINNIE.HWhere stories live. Discover now