Keep the Sweater It's Complimentary and Mandatory

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I got a quick glimpse of a very tired Nico who was still wearing my sweater before the door slammed shut again.

"You could've just said I don't want to talk right now." I shouted at the door "That would've been a lot nicer."
"Go away! I want to sleep!" Came the muffled reply from Nico.
"Your going to miss breakfast. You need to eat or you will get so thin you would have to wear ninety of my sweaters to look like a normal person."

The door creaked open and a disgruntled Nico stepped out with my sweater in his hands. Nico offered the sweater back but I refused.

"My mom made me pack twenty sweaters so I think I have enough. You on the other hand don't own any so you have to keep it. Doctors orders."
"Shut up Solace" came the automatic response as I got my sweater thrown right into my face. I paused as Nico walked ahead. I had an idea.

"Hey Nico!"
"Raise your arms above you head please."
"Why should I do that Solace?"
"Pretty please with sprinkles on top?"

When Nico obliged I dashed up and shoved the sweater over his head. Then I sprinted to the dining pavilion so that the son of Hades wouldn't kill me.

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