My boys. (OT7•ish)

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It was about 2:30 pm and I had to quickly get ready to head to the school. I just put on a pair of jeans, a simple tee shirt and a hoodie and put on some converse and headed to my car.
"I pulled up at the school just in time to see my little guys coming out the building. I parked and was walked towards them as they waited with the designated teacher until their parents came.
"Good Afternoon, I'm here to pick up my two songs Taehyung and Jimin." I smiled at the women and she looked at her clipboard.
"Haines Raina." I said
"Mom!" Jimin said as he came over to me
"Excuse me one moment." She said as she dragged Jimin away from me.
"Excuse me where are you taking my son?" I asked her as she went into the building and moments later coming out with the principal of the school.
"Oh Ms.Haines, hello." Principle Kim said
"I would like to know the reasoning for her dragging my son away from me." I snapped as Jimin was crying as the women held his arm keeping him close to her.
"She's faking being this boys mother."
"Excuse me-"
"Ohh no Ms. Choi she actually adopted the boys when they were young." Principal Kim informed her.
"My son." I said as she looked shocked and let him go. Jimin then came running up to me, he was only 7 and he was very much my sensitive boy.
"Tae come on." I said and he walked over and stayed close to me, he just looked a little worried. He was always kind of quiet and kept to himself, but he was very curious and observant.
"Now you've caused me to be late picking up my youngest, please I for your staff Mrs.Kim I pay good money for my boys to be at a top school this shouldn't be happening." I said disappointed in the situation.
"Of course I do apologize." She bowed
"Please I'm not royalty." I said
"Yes however your a huge donor to our school." She replied and I smiled kindly at her as I took my boys and walked to our truck and buckled them up. We then we're headed down the street to go pick up my youngest, Jungkook who was 4. I got the two oldest out and they walked with me to go to pick up Jungkook, without issues he was signed out and handed over to me. We then all headed back to the truck and I buckled everyone up and we were then headed home.

—Few Hours Later—
I was sitting with Jungkook while he was watching a movie and I was busy scheming articles ;while Jimin and Tae were in the playroom playing together.
I came across an article about myself being 30 years old, owning a multimillion dollar company, having 3 adopted Korean sons but not having a husband. I always found it to be funny that they won't focus on the positive but the one thing they find to be a downfall. I worked hard to get to the top with my company however I never was successful with finding love and I wanted a family of my own so I did what any sane person would do at the age of 25, I adopted not 1, not 2 but 3 little boys and I don't regret a single moment. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Jimin and Tae came running in yelling.
"Woah woah, calm down." I said as the both stopped and stared at me.
"What happened?" I asked
"Taehyung is being mean, he keeps saying I'm a bad dancer." Jimin said with tears welling up.
"Well...well Jimin keeps knocking my tower over and -"
"Okay boys, I think it's time we take a little break. Don't you think?" I asked
"No!" Tae yelled
"Tae...that's not how you speak to mommy, okay."
"I-I-" he said as he started to work himself up.
"Alright, alright come here." I said as he ran to my open arms sniffling.
"I think Uncle Yoongi should come over?" I asked
"Uncle Yooni!!!!" Jungkook yelled and I laughed as I picked up my phone calling Yoongi.
"Heyy Yoongs I wanted to see if you come over the boys are missing you." I said
"Yeah, it okay that Hoseok comes too?" He asked
"Of course! The more the merrier." I cheered
"Perfect we will be over soon." He said as I heard music dying down in the background. (Yoongi was one of my best friends like a brother and Hoseok actually helped me with some designs for my company and he was a good friend of Yoongi's)
I got up and Tae laid in my spot as he and Jimin finished the movie with Jungkook. I went to go make them some snacks.
*Ring* *Ring*
"Mommy! Phone!" Jimin yelled
"Can you bring it here?!" I yelled back
"No! Movie gettin good!" He yelled and I chuckled as I rolled my eyes and went to get my phone.
"Hey Raina, I wanted to come over... to see you." I smiled hearing Namjoon voice.
"Yeah my brother and his friend is coming over, the boys are up, I hope you don't mind it not being just us." I said as I was walking to the kitchen to finish up.
"That's totally fine! I just can't wait to see you." He said excitedly and I laughed a little.
"I will see you soon." I said as I hung up and grabbed the snacks and drinks.

—30 mins later—
I heard a knock at the door, so I got up to go answer it, coming face to face with Namjoon.
"Oh hey!" I smiled as he kissed me softly and I smiled a little into the kiss.
"Hey" he said as he handed me flowers he had behind his back.
"Thank you babe, you didn't have too."
"But I wanted too." He smiled as he kissed me once more
"And who's this?" I pulled away to see Yoongi standing there with Hoseok a few steps behind him.
"Yoongi this is my boyfriend Namjoon, Joon this is my brother Yoongi and a good friend Hoseok." I smiled as Yoongi began to try and size up Namjoon although he was taller than him.
"Mhmm..." he said as he walked past us and into the house where I could hear the boys yelling because Uncle Yooni was here.
"Come on let's go in." I said as I grabbed his hand and Hoseok followed right after us.

—Later That Night—
It was starting to get real late and the boys were struggling to stay awake, it was about 10 pm on a Friday night. Yoongi and Hoseok left a few hours ago but now it was time to get the boys in bed.
"I have to get them in bed." I told Joon as we were snuggling on one end of the sectional. I stood up and picked up Jungkook when I saw Joon picking up both Tae and Jimin was still half awake so he grabbed Joon hand as we walked down the hall to their rooms, they all had one big room so I placed Jk in his bed tucking him in when I saw Jimin climb onto the top bunk and Joon laid Tae on the bottom bunk I walked over to tuck them both in. Placing a kiss on each little princes head.
"Jimin make sure you actually go to sleep." I said to him and he nodded his head as he closed his eyes.
I then turned to see Joon at the door just watching, I then flipped the light off and pulled the door up some not completely closing it, leaving the hallway light on. Joon and I walked back to the living room downstairs and I sighed as I laid on the couch.
"You okay?" He asked me concern thick in his voice.
"Yeahhh, just tired the boys are getting older and I'm feeling like it's so much work." I sighed
"Well you're doing a good job. You make it look easy." He smiled as he pulled me into his arms kissing the top of my head.
"Today at Tae and Jimin school the teacher thought I was trying to kidnap them, she wasn't told that this black women adopted 3 Asian babies." I said laughing lightly.
"Wow that's crazy." He replied
"Yeah but I mean I get it...kinda. It's not everyday you see a black women with three Korean babies that call her Eomma." I said with a smile
"I know we've been together almost a year in a half but I never asked what made you adopt them?"
"I was 25 when I adopted them, Jimin was 2 at the time, Tae was 1 and Jungkook was about 9
Months old." I said thinking back to adopting my boys.
" I was goin through a time thinking no one would ever want to marry me and I always wanted children so I thought I would adopt, however! I went to the agency it took me about a year before I could adopt them and I had visited all three of them and they stole my heart so I had too, I had the financial part down, I had nannies to help me so I was ready, and when they told me I could adopt them, I was so happy...still am." I smiled as I looked at him.
"I love you." He said
"I love you too Joon." I said as he kissed me.
"Mo-mommy..." I pulled away from Joon to turn my head to see Jimin standing there.
"Hey baby." I said as I smiled at him.
"Mommy..." he said sniffling, I quickly stood up and walked over to him and he just hugged me.
"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked him concerned.
I can't sleep, too scary." He said
"Okay come on." I said as I sat back on the couch with Joon and pulled Jimin across my lap and began to play with his hair.
" are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." I sang softly to him as I done often when any of the boys were having a bad day/night or even a melt down.

A/N: Hi my lovelies!!!! So I finished this at like 2am but I wanted to post it today! I am planning to do a part 2! BUT! I know I have other chapters that need their part 2 as well! So here's my plan! I go on winter break in about a week an a half so I'm planning to really spend time writing between school, I'll be off from work so more time to write! Those chapters will get their part 2 but just for fun leave me chapters that you want a part 2 or even a part 3 too! I am excited to post more also I do have another book on here it's a Yoongi (Suga) fanfic I will FINALLY update that as well. 🥰 Thanks for you patience and love you all!!!!

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