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{A/N: This is a first mention of a lot of different artist. Sorry if I didn't capture everyone personality...I'm working on being a multistan, I listen to the music however I haven't learned every groups meme era and personalities so I'm trying. This was a requested chapter and I think I will be posting more requests soon! Thank you my lovelies for understanding!💕}

I was finishing up getting dressed for the MAMA's award show. I was getting to attend this year and was super excited. 


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[A/N: choose a dress, I tried not to go too crazy MAMA they don't really have super crazy dresses also her natural hair is what she decided on

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[A/N: choose a dress, I tried not to go too crazy MAMA they don't really have super crazy dresses also her natural hair is what she decided on.]

I of course wouldn't get to walk the carpet with my handsome boyfriend, but I was excited to get to walk the carpet as an artist.  Who knew an Black girl from a small town in Nevada, who got big singing YouTube videos and is now dating a Kpop idol, moved across the world for music would be here today? Not me.
"Okay Jada we are all finished up. We are headed down to the van so whenever you're ready." My manager said and I smiled and nodded at her.
"Thank you, just one minute." I said as I went over to  this huge full length mirror to check out my outfit and my make up. I smiled to myself, when my phone rang. I quickly went over to grab it off of the counter and saw my baby was calling me I immediately hit answer.
"Hey babe." I smiled into the camera as jungkook's fave appeared. He was wearing a black suit and his hair was pushed back a bit and he looked really sexy.
"Hi jagi" he smiled back at me.
"You look beautiful." He said and I smiled a bit more.
"Thank you, you look handsome yourself." I smiled and he winked at me.
"I wish I could walk with you guys. I'm so nervous." I said to him.
"I know, I'm hopping that we can go public soon." He said
"Yeah same, this is killing me." I sighed.
"Soon enough. But I will get to see you tonight. Can't wait to watch you perform." He said
"Don't remind me." I said to him.
"What you will do great. I will be rooting for you." I just smiled.
"Hey I have to go, but see you soon. The guys say good luck." He said as I could see Tae and Joon in the background walking by.
"Same here and okay see you soon." I said as I blew a kiss into the camera and the called ended. I grabbed my clutch and headed down to the van. When I got a call from Jessi.
"Yeah you ready for your first big performance?"
"Really nervous." I admitted as I climbed into the van and we took off towards the award show.
"No worries we are going to kill this shit. It's gone be big." She said
"Well then I can't wait." I laughed a little.
"Alright tiny, I will see you later." She said calling me the nickname she gave me the first time we met.
"See ya Jess." I said as she hung up and began to scroll on my phone till we got to the carpet.
—45 minutes later—
We finally made it up to the carpet when my door opened and my bodyguards Jueon and Reno were standing there, I got out to flashing lights and screaming fans. I smiled and waved as I began to make my way down the carpet.
"Jada! Jada!" I heard my name being shouted and I smiled more. I was instructed where to stop for photos and then escorted down the carpet for interviews.
"Jada. Jada." I turned and walked over to an interviewer.
"Wow Jada everyone, are you excited for MAMA this year?" She asked me
"Yes, I'm beyond excited." I smiled
"Wow you've been working on your Korean?" She asked
*small giggle* " Yes I have, I'm not great yet." I smiled
"Well I'm really excited to see you learning, I'm sure your fans are excited about you performing tonight. Any sneak peeks or inside about tonight's performance?" She asked
"Uhh...I really can't say much, but expect something different." I said as looked at the camera. Soon enough we could hear fan getting even louder.
"Seems BTS has just gotten to the carpet." I said With a laugh.
"Yes. Are you a fan?"
"Yes, of course. Who wouldn't be? I'm a big fan of theirs. I've met them a few times before." I said
"Well looks as though they are headed this way."
She said as the guys walked over after taking photos. They smiled and waved at me and walked over giving hugs.
"Wow seems you guys are good friends?"
"Yeah we are." Jungkook spoke up.
"Any future collaboration in the works?" She asked
"Perhaps. You never really know." I said as we all laughed.
"Well it was great talking with you guys." The interviewer said as she bowed and we all bowed to her.
"Thank you." And then I smiled and gave a wave to the boys as I walked off inside to find my seat.
I was seated behind BTS but next to mamamoo and twice. Which I was good friends with both groups because of networking of course.
WayV had just performed and I was backstage warming up along side Jessi and Hwasa. WayV finished they walked by us when I heard someone whistle, not in a cat call kinda way but like a ohhhh you Fine kinda way. I turned and saw Lucas staring at me.
"Hi." He said walking over to me.
"I know you'll do great out there but good luck." He winked.
"Thank you." I said as I heard someone call for me so I quickly walked over and followed them since Hwasa and I will be entering the stage a different way.  We were now on stage in position and Hwasa smiled at me and gave me a wink. I smiled at her as the song began and Jessi opened the song up. Then the camera fanned over to Hwasa and I, we began to sing  in harmony while dancing. This was my first time performing on stage however I performed like I was in my bedroom, and put my all into my dancing. Swaying my hips side to side and singing along with Hwasa voice. Then the three of us met middle stage and did a short dance break, of course the crowd was going crazy which fed my energy and motivated me more. Then it was all over and we were posed together. The lights dimmed as the crowd cheered and Hwasa grabbed my hand and we ran off stage.

[A/N: The performance.]
"That was insane!" I said
"Good job ladies." Jessi said as we were all in a dressing room.
"We did so good." I said and so I just put on a pair of sweat pants since I was planning to stay back stage the remaining of the show. I walked out of the dressing room and walked near the stage when I saw BTS members getting ready. Jungkook was talking and laughing with Tae when he saw me from a far and she waved and I smiled and gave him thumbs up.
"BTS." A stage crew member called them, and just as they were talking to the stage crew member I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to find Lucas.
"Oh hey." I said
"You were amazing as I thought." He smiled at me and I gave a smile back.
"Thank you."
"Your voice is just as beautiful as you are." He smirked.
"Uhh wow. Thank you." I said shocked that he was so bold.
"I have a question."
"What are you doing Friday night? Maybe we can go grab a bite to eat." He suggested.
"Uhhh..." I said stuck, I was so confused this tall man that was well known was asking me out and little did he know it was in front of my boyfriend of 2 years. I turned my head slightly and looked to see Jungkook staring us down.
"I'm sorry for being so forward. I should've asked you in privacy." He said
"No its just-
"Lucas! Dude come on!" One of his members called out to him.
"Well here, take my number send me a text." He said as he gave me a piece of paper and walked away. I honestly was still shook.
I stayed backstage to watch the rest of the performances, BTS of course was last and so I waited for them before leaving.
After they finished there performance I had to go put on proper dress pants as all the performers went on stage at the end. We were all waving to the cameras and then it was over. Lucas walked over to me again as we were back stage.
"So what do you say?" He asked me and I looked up at him.
"I'm sorry Lucas but I have a boyfriend." I said to him
"Oh no hard feelings. I should've assumed, but keep my number in case you just wanna hangout. As friends." He smiled and I smiled back.
"Okay sounds good." I said and he walked away.
"Hey." I turned to find Jungkook
"Hey you." I smiled as I hugged him and he hugged me back.
"I missed you." He said
"What. We've been seeing each other for the last 6 hours." I chuckled
"Not what I meant." He said and I playfully rolled my eyes. We took a step away from one another when a staff member walked by but we still walked and talked.
"You did so good today." He smiled at me and I smiled back looking up at him.
"Thanks. You guys did so good." I smiled
"Thanks, so your place tonight?" He asked
"Yeah you can come over." I said as I began to walk to my dressing room to get into my comfy clothes.
"See ya later." He said and I waved. Changing into sweat pants and a oversized hoodie and putting my hair up. I was escorted to my car by my guards and headed home.
—2 hours later—
I opened the door to my lovely boyfriend who had flowers and food.
"Oooo take out." I said as I took the food from his hands and went to the kitchen and placed on the counter.
"Oh, I missed you so much babe. Here's a kiss. Mwah." He said and laughed as he walked in kicked his shoes off by the door and put the flowers on the coffee table and he sat down on my sectional. I walked away from the food, jumped over the back on the couch and crawled onto his lap and locked my lips with his.
"Hi babe." I said as I pulled away looking at him.
"Hi." He smiled his little bunny smile.
"I have been dying to do this all day." He said as he pulled me into his arms and just held me. I smiled snuggling closer into his chest.
"So what were you and Lucas talking about?" He asked suddenly.
"Lucas." He said I pulled back to look at him.
"He asked me out." I said truthfully as I got up off of his lap, to go get food because I was starving.
"He asked you out?" He asked as he also got up following me.
"Yeah." I said as I popped a piece of chicken into my mouth.
" what did you say?" He asked me sternly.
"What do you think?" I asked him eyebrow raised chewing on chicken.
"I don't know. That's why I'm asking." He replied.
"Jungkook seriously..."
"Jada just tell me."
"I told him I have a boyfriend."
"Are you jealous?" I asked wagging my eyebrows at him.
"You're lying."
"No im not."
"Yeah you definitely are." I laughed
"Okay maybe."
"Well I let him down easily, but I did still get his number." I said as I walked past him with my rice and chicken.
"What! Whyyyy?" He whined.
"We can still be friends." I said to him and he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.
"Well I guess you're right." He said
"I love you." I said tilting my head back to look up at him, seeing how I was sitting and he was standing behind me.
"I love you too." He then kissed me quickly and I continue to eat while we talked about the mamas.

Captain7420 - I hope that this is good, I really haven't gotten into NCT, WayV or Super M yet but I know little about Lucas. Just hope I do justice to it.

Any request just leave in the comments!!! 💕

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