Arguments. KNJ

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I was feeling really calm and relaxed as I watched the rain thump against my window lightly,it was another gloomy day but I felt pretty happy. Typically on days like this I would see so down and out of it. I was wrapped up in my big old empty bed...wait empty? I rolled over to see the bed was indeed empty. I sighed getting up stilled wrapped up in my comforter. I then walked slowly downstairs.
"*sigh* why does he have to do this now?" I mumbled to myself as I walked down the hallway and then slowly pushed open the door where I heard a lot of yelling coming from. I stopped and stood in the doorway staring at a upset Namjoon.
"No! Okay whatever! Bye!" He said as he hung up. His back was towards me so he didn't even know I was here yet, I walked over and wrapped my short little arms around his waist.
"Hmmm...sorry baby did I wake you?" He mumbled lowly but I still heard.
"No. You were gone." I said
"I know. I'm sorry Yoongi called and we had a disagreement." He sighed and turned around and I let go and stood in front of him and he chuckled at me a little because of the state I currently was in, wrapped up in the comforter from our bed.
"Well you need to resolve it." I said staring up at him seeing as I stood only 5'1 off the ground and he was almost 6'0, he sighed again as he looked at me.
"Come on." I said grabbing his hand and leading us to the living room sectional and I pushed him to sit and then I straddled his lap hugging my body to his.
"Jagiya...I have to work." He whined
"Yeah, you need to call Yoongi and work it out." I told him and he stared at me.
"Come on." I said and he sighed as he grabbed his phone and called Yoongi while they spoke and worked out their issues I climbed off of Joons lap and went to the kitchen to get a snack to come back and cuddle up to Joon and they were laughing about something but I began to look for a show to watch. After some time I settled on a Korean drama, which was pretty good when they finally got off of phone.
"Better?" I asked
"Yes." He said as he pulled me a bit towards him kissing my head.
"I need to go and finish this part for our song." He said and I poured as I held onto one of his arms.
"Baby." He said as he tried to get up but I held on tight to him causing him to fall back into the spot he was trying to stand up from.
"Aria...seriously?" He asked
"We are suppose to spend the day together." I whined.
"We will after I finish this song." He said and I sighed letting him go and he stood and kissed my head and walked to the studio and I stayed on the couch pouting.
—Lunch Time—
I have been watch K-Dramas all day waiting for Namjoon to finish with his song the only difference now is I was now back in our bedroom. I was getting hungry and decided now was a good time to get him to stop working so I quickly threw on some jeans and a over sized shirt and ran to the studio but the door was locked so I knocked and nothing, I knocked again and nothing. I sighed and then walked off the day was still gloomy and rainy so I just put on my rain boots and a jacket and headed out to go get some food.
—Time Skip—
I thought walking would be better since it wasn't raining a lot but as I was on my way back with food for Joon since I decided to eat at the restaurant and he still was working I assumed so I just thought I would bring him some food.
I was walking and got caught in a downpour and I was so wet and cold. I got back to the house and walked in. I put his food on the table and took my boots off and then walked to the studio with his food which was in a plastic container and knocked but no response, I was dripping wet and freezing and fought him food and he couldn't even open the door. I was getting so frustrated and angry. I frowned and put the food down and headed to the laundry room and took my clothes off and I found a towel and wrapped myself in it and walked upstairs. I decided to get in the shower and just stand in the hot water and let it bring heat back and relax me. After my shower I dried my hair and put it up and put on some sweats and one of Joon shirts. I then curled up in the huge bed and ended up fall asleep.
—Waking up—
I woke up to a door slamming and loud grunts and a few cuss words, I just stayed in bed and after awhile the bedroom door that wasn't even closed all the way flew open and I jumped a little when I saw a very pissed off Joon standing in the doorway.
"Seriously Aria?!" He yelled and my eyes got big trying to think of what I could have possibly done.
"What?" I asked quietly.
"You left food outside my door, I stepped on it and fell, and there was a puddle of water!" He yelled and I stared at him.
"Are you stupid or what?!" He yelled at me, and I stared at him.
"You must me dumb!" He said as he threw his hands up and ran them down his face, I smiled a little at him.
"Wow." I said
"Wow, that's all you have to say huh?" He asked with a small smile on his face.
"Namjoon I waited all day for you to finish one song. I went out in the rain to get lunch earlier and thought you didn't eat so I decided to bring you food, and I knocked so many times before I left and when I came back but you refused to answer the door. I got caught in the pouring rain. And I been waiting for you...but I'm the one being called stupid and dumb." I said as I got out of the bed and pushed past him to leave the room.
"Wait, Aria." He said and I stopped looked at him
"No I'm just going to go downstairs and clean up the mess, and then I'm going to go to my office and relax, let you figure yourself out. I get you're frustrated and angry. But don't take that shit out on me. I did nothing wrong. I'm hurt by your words, but I know you don't mean them, but I am going to give you time to yourself." I said as I turned and went to the kitchen to clean up a little which it was already cleaned but I'm like cleaning because I'm so annoyed. I then went to the living room and then the dinning room, the hallway and then I headed to my art space where I would keep my art work and I called it my office. I began to paint and paint some more while listening to music, when I heard the door open and I looked to see Joon was a mess he had been crying and I put my supplies down and told Alexa to stop the music.
"I'm sorry Aria, I should have never ever spoke to you that way. My parents would be ashamed I did such a thing. I shouldn't have said those things about you. I've been picking fights all day-" he snuggled and I walked over to him and took his hand and had him sit on the window seal that had a kind of bench, I stood between his legs.
"Shhh Joon it's okay, I meant what I said about understanding. I get it, just gotta find a different way to get that frustration and anger out. I forgive you." I smiled as I held his face against my chest.
"Also something about how calm you were scared me, I mean you never yell." He said and I looked him in his eyes.
"Because yelling doesn't do anything but cause you to get angrier and day even worse things you don't mean because of the heat of the moment, no need to escalate a argument that's already escalated." I said and he just stared at me so I kissed him and he kissed me back with so much passion and love.
"I love you so much. Aria."
"I love you too Joonie." I smiled and he stood up dragging me out of the art space.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"To spend time together like we should've been doing all along." He said and we spent the rest of the night cuddled up watching movies and talking.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter I started it last night and ended up finishing it right before work. Love you my lovelies!!!💕

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