I hate you. (Pt 2)

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A/N: The long awaited part 2. Had to get my life right, I'm back working & in school so will post when I can! 😘 Thank you for understanding lovelies! 💕 If you have not read part 1, I advise you to go back and read it. Remember BTS aren't a band in this one! ☺️

—3 1/2 years later—
I got up out of bed went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, quickly jumping in to start the day off right. I was unwinding letting the work weeks stress roll off of my body, after washing my body and hair I heard a soft knock at the bathroom door. I quickly turned off the water, and wrapped my body in a towel and then wrapped my hair in a microfiber towel, and opened the door to see my favorite little guy.
"Mommy..." he said with tears in his eyes.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked as I knelt down to his level.
"I peed." He said and I smiled at him knowing he peed his self and was worried he'd be in trouble.
"It's okay." I said as I kissed his forehead and took his hand and we walked to his bedroom and I took his sheets and cover off of his bed and put them in a pile, then took his clothes off and went to run him a bath. As I waited for his bath I changed into a sports bra and a pair of leggings and threw a tank top on.
"Elijah!" I yelled
"Coming mommy!" He said as he ran into the bathroom naked.
"Get in." I said and he climbed in, I bathed him and then allowed him to play a little. I quickly ran his wet things to the washer and threw them in and then went to his room to get him something to wear. I heard my phone ringing so I went to get it while I went back in the bathroom to watch Elijah.
"Hey babe!"
"Oh hey! Are you on your way over? Is something wrong?" I asked
"Haha no why do you ask?"
"You don't usually call this early, you're normally sleeping." I said and I could tell he was smiling with his tone of voice when he replied.
"Well I'm up, I missed you guys and wanted to see how things were going?"
"We're fine, Eli had an accident so he is just in the bath." I said
"Oh. Well I will be over in a few, I have something I want to talk about." He said
"Uh oh...this sounds serious." I said
"It is a little."
"Oh well okay, see you soon."
"See you."
—20 mins later—
I had fixed some breakfast for Eli and myself and was cleaning up while Eli was watching tv when the door opened and I walked in to see my handsome boyfriend.
"Hi babe."
"Hi Yoongi." I said and he kissed me quickly when he went over to Elijah picking him up and tossing him in the air.
"How's my favorite little dude?" He smiled as Elijah's laughter filled the room, I just stood watching them with a smile on my face, happy that I found such an amazing man that not only loved me but my son that wasn't his.
"Ellie, come here I want to talk." Yoongi said
(A/N: idk what her name was b4 but it's Ellie now.😂)
I walked over to the couch and sat down, Elijah had ran off to play with his toys in the corner of the room.
"Ellie, you know I love you, more than anything right?" He asked and I was nervous but nodded my head.
"And You know that I love Elijah as though he was my own, right?"
"I want you to move in with me. Officially." He said
"Yoongi, we talked about this." I sighed letting go of his hand and standing up.
"I know but baby we've been dating for a little over 2 years, you won't let me propose to you and I mean I get it-"
"Do you Yoongi?" I asked him.
"No. I actually don't...*sigh* I am trying Ellie, I want to try and love you, but you just won't let me. Damnit. I love you Ellie." He said as he looked at me, with a look of sadness.
"I know Yoongi, I know and I'm- I'm sorry...it's just hard." I sighed.
"Why?" He asked me
"Okay, I will tell you." I sighed as I sat back down.
"I was previously engaged to Elijah's father and his friend lied on me and made it seem as though I was cheating and-and- he hit me." I said as tears ran down my face from the old memories.
"What?!" Yoongi said suddenly pissed off
"He kept it up for a few weeks and he also began to cheat so I decided to finally leave and got a better job, raised our son on my own and worked hard to get to where I am." I said and his eyes soften as I finished.
"I'm just afraid to get hurt again." I said
"I would never hurt you." He said
"I know that it's just something within me..."
"It's okay, we can take it slow." He said as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me, it was a gentle kiss.
"Fine, I will move in with you...we will move in." I smiled and he smiled back at me.
"Mommy! Mommy!" I looked to see Elijah waddling his way over to me.
"Hi baby." I smiled as I placed him between me and Yoongi.
"I will call up some movers." Yoongi smiled
"Yes I can't have my beautiful girlfriend doing such heavy lifting." He said as he kissed my forehead.
"Okay Mr.CEO." I laughed to myself.
—2 weeks later—
I managed to get the house all packed up in a few weeks time, I was currently packing up a few more things when I heard a knock at the door, and my phone rang so I picked up my phone and saw it was Yoongi.
"Hey babe, what's up?" I asked as I started to walk to the front door.
"I'm on my way over had a last minute meeting,but the movers should be there soon." He said
"I think they are here now." I said "oh can you swing by the daycare and get Elijah, I didn't expect the movers to be here so soon." I said
"Of course, we will see you soon, love you."
"Love you too." I said as I opened the door coming face to face with my ex Namjoon.
'Well fuck me.' I thought to myself

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