3. Reunion - 1

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Request by Nini19990

@Nini19990 - I don't know if this is what you want or expect, if not let me know. I have done a childhood friends one as you asked.


Sure, how about Mari and Damian got separated when she was in the hospital and jason is her brother, years later mari meets them in their hero forms and mari recongnizes jason, damian and mari are soulmates and when they meet they know each other, they meet in hero forms and they have a new soulmate sign, thy become boyfriend and girlfriend.

A portal opens in between a fight among Red Hood, Joker, and Batman. Everyone freezes and stares at the portal. They watched in awe as a girl in a Ladybug themed suit stepped out. She realises everyone is staring at her and she says "I was called for help?" Bruce snaps out of it and says "Yes, Batman" he says lending her hand and points at Jason saying "Red Hood." Ladybug smailes and says "Ladybug." 

(After the fight)

"Thanks very much for your help" Red hood says "How old are you?" 

Ladybug stares at Red Hood tears forming in her eyes making her vision blured and foggy. Red hood realises and asked "Is something wrong, Are you hurt?" She stares at him and says "Do you not recognise me?" her voice cracking. She suddenly jumps onto him shouting "It's me Jay-Jay" Red Hood stares at her, his turn to cry "Only pixie pop calls me that, is it really you?" he hugs back as batman says "Who is she," still in the shock that she figured out his identity. "This is my younger sister" Jason says while she stands up and punches him hard. "Owww" he cries "I can't believe you did not come to find me you idiot, I thought you were dead" She shouts still crying. They hug again and Jason takes Marinette home, she detransforms and goes in to the manor. Dick and Tim were playing UMS III. Damien was sharpening his katana. Bruce clears his throat and everyone stares at them. They notice Marinette "Who is this" Tim asks taking a sip of his beloved coffee. "Is this your family Jason" Marinette asks and Tim suddenly spits out his coffee. "You told her your identity" he shouts. Jason opened his mouth to reply but Marinette beat him to it saying "Nope, I figured it out" Dick stares at them in awe and shouts while running in circles "Oh my God, Tim spit out coffee, and Someone figured our identities, the world is coming to an end."

Jason just rolled his eyes at his brothers' antics and Bruce chuckled. Marinette spots Damien and thinks, he looks familiar. Where have I seen him. 

Jason speaks saying "This is my father, Bruce aka Batman, These are my brothers Timothy Drake aka Red Robin, the one that is shouting and running is Richard Grayson/Dick aka Nightwing and the gloomy one is Demon spawn/Damian Wayne aka Robin"

"Everyone this is Marinette, my honary sister."

Damian stares at Marinette and Marinette stares back. 

"Tt, this is really you?" Damian questioned

"It can't be you" Marinette muttered

Both their visions grow cloudy as Marinette feels a tear slip down her face. She runs upto Damian and hugs him. All the others watch as Damian hugs back instead of pushing her away like he does to the others. They all stare and Jason shouts "How do you know her, you better not hurt her Demon Spawn"



"Good morning Talia" Marinette aka Black widow greets

"Good Morning mom" Damian Al Ghul greets

"Good morning" kids Talia replies

"You don't have training till today, instead you have some free time, go spend time togethe and have fun" Talia smiles

"Thanks" they both reply together

Marinette and Damian go to the garden and sit together, they stare into each others eyes and they subconciously start leaning inwards to each other, they get so close that their faces are millimeters apart, Damian has a surge of courage and closes the little gap in between them, Damian kisses her and she kisses back. They share a passionate kiss. From that day on they spend most of their time together. 

Few days later, Deathstroke attacks resulting in many casualties, one being Marinette. She is taken to the hospital and Damian is taken by batman. Before they get separated Damian shouts, "we will find each other, I promise I will always love you." Marinette hears the faint voice of Damian shouting before falling unconsious.

Later Marinette becomes hero ladybug and Damian becomes vigilante Robin. They still think of when their paths will cross again.

Flashback ends


(762 words)


Will update soon. Please check out the last chapter from my other story called Adrienette love story. Comment on what you think I should do in that chapter. 

- Toodles

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