51. Your Loss - 2

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Back at the Kent household, Marinette and Jon were sitting on the couch, and Jon gave Marinette a comforting hug. No words were exchanged between the friends, but there was no need for words. Marinette sobbed and after a while, she pulled away from Jon. Jon was worried for her, she was devastated by Damian's betrayal.

The doorbell rang and Jon stood up, he peeked out through the hole and saw the person he least expected to see there. He gasped ...


Damian tried to call everyone he knew, he even called Adrien, - whom he absolutely despised - when he realised his mistake. He had hurt and let go of the best thing in his life because of his stupid jealousy. Most of the people he called also despised him because of what he did to Marinette. Clark and Adrein were the worst. There was also Oliver and Barry. The others were a bit mad but still acknowledged him. Clark absolutely ignored him alongside Adrien. Oliver was a bit cold but still answered his call and questions, as did Barry. The others just told him he'd messed up big time.

Damian resumed his search the next morning, he was convinced that Marinette had gone to Metropolis because he had just seen the NEWS channel, it said "Parisian super model Adrien Agreste spotted at the Daily Planet, Metropolis", and Marinette was close friends with Jonathon. He decided to visit.


Back at the Kents'

... Jonathon opened the door and flew into Adrien's arms. Literally.

"ADRIEN, are you ok? You came out ! What'd your dad say? Come in, Mari will be so happy to see you !" Jon rambled as he ushered Adrien in.

"MARIII, look who's here!!" Jon screamed.

Marinette turned around and saw Adrien. Tears welled up in her eyes as she jumped over the back of the couch and flew into Adrien - this time not literally - Adrien caught her and hugged her back as soon as she latched onto him. She started sobbing into his chest and muttering about Damian, break up, and cheating. Jon had texted him about what happened but he didn't expect it to be this bad. Jon had just said that they had a really bad argument.

Marinette soon let go of Adrien and all three of them sat on the couch and Jon and Marinette explained exactly what happened in detail. Adrien was fuming.

The bell rang again and all three of them looked confused. Jon and Adrien walked to the door and Adrien peeked through the hole, he saw Damian standing there with the usual stoic look but a hint of guilt and remorse shone in his jade green eyes. Jon saw Damian using his x-ray vision and he glared at the door. Adrien felt anger bubbling up inside him but pushed it down. He slowly took a deep breath and opened the door. He didn't try smiling or acting friendly.

He gave a curt nod and asked "Damian. How can I help you?"

From Adriens tone, Damian understood that he knew, and with the way Jon glared daggers at him, he new too. So he cut staright to the point.

"Agreste. Jonathon. I was wondering if Marinette was here. I would like to speak to her and take her home." Damian said.

Jon glared even more if that was even possible and Damian knew if he said something wrong he would be fried by his laser eyes. Adrien's face hardened for a second but he changed back to the blank face in a split second.

Damian sighed and added "Please, I really need to apologise and talk to her."

"You're damn right you need to apologise! But unfortunately you are wasting your time here. She texted to say she doesn't want to be found but she hasn't come here." Jon replied.

"I know she's here, Jonathon, why else is Agreste here?" Damian answered, trying not to sound snarky but failing.

"Well," Adrien replied "I'm actually here to see my boyfriend." he pulled Jon close as he said this and Jon blushed. Jon hid his face in Adriens neck and Damian looked stunned. This was not what he had expected. Damian had come expecting to find a fuming Jon and Adrien, hiding Marinette in the Kent house. Instead he found two lovey dovey teenagers and no Marinette. Not only was this disappointing but also disgusting.

He turned around and stormed off. As soon as he had disappeared around the corner Adrien closed the door and let go of Jon's waist.

Then he shyly rubbed his neck and apologised to Jon, "I am so sorry, I couldn't think of anything else, I know you're not gay. I'm so sorry for embarrassing you. I mean I just blanked and we couldn't give away that Mari was here and I mean, I should've thought about it or hinted or even asked you first. I don't want to be the reason you have an issue with your girlfriend just like Mari suffered because of my carelessness and..." Adrien started rambling, his expression grew regretful and asd towards the end.

Jon quickly cut him off and held his hands, "Whoah, whoah, woahhh..., slow down, first of all, don't worry, I understand why you had to suddenly do that. I probably would've done the same thing in your situation, so no need to apologise. Second and more importantly, it's not your fault that you showed affection to a friend. That is very normal, I hug a lot of my friends and have kissed some on the cheek. That is nothing to be sorry about or feel guilty about. If anything, Damian is the one who is wrong. I don't have a girlfriend and it is not your fault. Not your carelessness. It is the lack of logic and trust that Damian suffers from which caused this issue. Not You"

After the reassurance, neither Jon nor Adrien pulled away, they stared at each other and slowly started inching forward. Closer and closer together. Soon they got so close that they could feel each other's breath fan their faces. The two got so close their noses were practically touching, Jon slowly closed the gap between them, looking at Adrien for reassurance and consent right before their lips touched.

---- At the Wayne Manor ----

Damian returned to the Wayne manor devastated. He was determined to find Marinette. He searched for hours using the batcomputer, until Batman came and kicked him out to sleep. He went up to his room and continued his search but soon fell asleep.he could not find any results on a blue/black haired teen with blue eyes spotted anywhere. He suspected the Kent's but couldn't do much since there were two super powered human beings living there, who were angry with him and could fry him any second. There was also an overprotective model who had a truckload of fans.

(1150 words)

- Toodles

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