22. It's Genetics or even Hereditary - Final Part

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dedicated to AnnicaAndal

It has been 3 months since Damian and Marinette had adopted Amelia. Damian had proposed on their 1 year anniversary which was also the 1 month anniversary of adopting their beloved daughter, Amelia Rolling Wayne.

Now the preparations for the wedding were taking place, Amelia was now turning 8 years old. It was her birthday today. Amelia was super excited, Damian walked up to her and crouched down, Marinette came with him.
"Hey Amy", Marinette called,
"Hi Mom" she replied
"Look what we got you" Damian teased while holding onto a new dress, her favourite shade of blue.

She stared at him and then back at the dress, she still found it hard to believe that she out of all people had such a kind and caring family.
"Thank you" she screamed and jumped up trying to get a hold of the dress, she finally got a hold of the dress and hugged it to her chest.Marinette came to her and asked, "What do you want for your birthday?"Amelia stared at her, thinking for a moment before answering,
"Can I have a baby brother or sister?"

Damian, who at the time was sipping a glass of water, spit the water back into the cup and asked,
"A whaattt??"Amelia looked down, and said "A baby, It's fine if you don't like the idea, I'll think of something else" Marinette said "It's fine, but did you know it will take around 9 months for the baby to come"

Amelia looked at her and said
"oh, can I have one now, where do babies come from anyways?"
Marinette looked at Damian and back at Amelia then she sighed,
"Your daddy and I have to do this special activity and then you'll have a baby after 8 -9 months."

Amelia grinned at Marinette and said
"Do the activity quick"
Marinette and Damian blushed.
"Ok Amelia, You'll have a baby sibling soon enough" Damian looked at Marinette as if she were crazy, Marinette just grinned at him and looked down at her stomach, while placing a hand on it.

Damian looked at her this time with surprise joy and confusion in his eyes, "Yoouu..." he started but she shushed him and gestures to Amelia, he just looked back and forth between the two most important woman in his life and grinned like a fool, hugging Marinette and Amelia in a group hug.

(394 words)

- Toodles

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