27. Bio-Dad Bruce Wayne - Part 2

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Flashback Countinued

The answer was again yes. The longer she spent in the household, the harder she fell for her meant-to-be older sibling. At least Damian started warming up to her.

Well he was speaking to her rather than saying 'tt' every time she entered a room. That was progress right?

Marinette sighed as she thought over the events of the past few days. It was quite exciting but it was frustrating to try not to blush and stutter around her new found crush. She found out that she could talk to the boy quite easily compared to when she had an unhealthy obsession with Adrien Agreste.

Tears welled in her eyes thinking of her courageous and loyal partner who fought all the way to the end. She saved Paris and he was revived using her miraculous ladybug but it was quite traumatising.

Her partner came back but he was different. He didn't have anyone anymore. He lost his father, he lost his mother figure, he lost his mum, he lost his life, he was doubted by many people, less popular.

She sighed, feeling bad thinking of Adrien, he lost everything and she left him. She got news that he moved to Metropolis. At least not too many people will recognise him there.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock at her door. She wiped her eyes and tried to compose herself as she tried to compose herself and make it look like she wasn't just sobbing her eyes out.

She cleared her throat and said "Come in."

She was surprised to see Damian standing there, peeking into the room cautiously as he asked "Are you okay?"

She tilted her head in confusion.
"Yea, why do you ask that?" Marinette says.

"You look like you've been crying, and I heard you. What might be the matter?" Damian asks.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about something from the past. How are you doing?" Marinette equires.

"I am feeling adequate. I believe I did not interrupt anything." Damian states.

"No you are not, don't stand at the door, come in. Let's get to know each other." Marinette says suddenly excited, trying to take her mind off Chat Noir.

Damian was about to deny but seeing that she was avoiding the situation he agreed "I guess that shall suffice" he replied "for now" he muttered.

Damian and Marinette spend hours talking about each other and their past lives. To say they bonded was an understatement, it's like they knew each other their whole lives.

Dick walked into the room and smiled at the scene in front of him, Damian was cuddled into Marinette's side and sleeping peacefully. He looked at Marinette and blushed.

She looked cute. She had an adorable frown and cute button nose, Oh and oh those plump, pink lips. 'No, I can't think like that, she is my sister' he thought. Another voice in the back of his head said 'Technically, you are Bruce's ward not blood related, she is Bruce's actual daughter so you are not exactly siblings.'

He shook off the thought and walked away slowly, closing the door on his way out, "Good night Dami, Good Night Mari" he said as he walked out.

He could've sworn he heard Damian saying "Good night Grayson"

The next day he woke up to a scream, he jolted up in his bed and rushed into the source of the noise, Damian was hugging the pillow and crying, the others were trying to comfort him. He looked around the room only to notice Marinette's side of the bed covered in blood. She was missing and there was a tranquiliser dart a few feet away from Damian.

He picked up the dart and examined it. 'No, no' he thought 'She was dead, it was a league of assassins darts.' They keep no one alive. Talia must've felt threatened with Bruce have another kid.

---Somewhere in Arabia---

Assassin 1 - "She is ready M'Lady"

Assassin 2 - "She is broken, she follows every order, just like you asked Your Wickedness"

Talia - "Perfect, Midnight Viper, your first mission is to kill Grayson, Dick Grayson to be precise."

Midnight Viper (Marinette) - "Yes Your Highness. Kill Grayson."
To be continued ... ... ...

(705 words)

- Toodles

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