46. Mission - Part 2

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She clapped her hands which froze them all in their spots. They slowly turned around to look at her. Jason had a spoon of mashed potato ready to launch at Tim. Tim had a handful of peas aimed at Damian. Dick was trying to convince them not to throw the food. Damian was pointing his fork at Jason. They all had gravy in their hair and mashed potato either sliding down the side of their faces or all over their clothes.


She raised an eyebrow at the boys and they slowly lowered their "weapons". Damian was first to break eye contact as he slowly turned away from her and lowered his fork which was being pointed at Jason. Next was Jason, he casually looked away and started eating his food, acting as if he didn't have a spoon of mashed potato ready to be launched at his younger brother. He also ignored the mashed potato sliding down the side of his face and the gravy all over his shirt.

Next was Tim, he muttered a sorry under his breath and turned away to his food. Dick was the last one to turn away, he only turned away after Marinette let out a sigh and looked away, staring at her place at the table which was usually in between Bruce and Damian. She started making her way there just as Alfred walked in with a plate of food for her. He took one look at the boys and sighed.

He then said "I expect all of you, young masters, to be in the shower right after dinner."

The boys wanted to complain but decided against it after seeing Alfred raising his eyebrow daring them to challenge him. Marinette cleared her throat as Alfred was heading back to the kitchen.
"Alfie, could you come here real quick?" she asked. The boys were also now looking at her, she took a deep breath before continuing. She placed a hand on her stomach as she said "Damian, you are going to be a big brother."

Dick broke into a huge grin and jumped out of his chair whooping while punching his hands in the air. Jason smiled lightly at Marinette and then went back to eating. She chuckled at his reaction. Damian looked a bit worried but there was a small smile glinting in his eyes.he acted like he didn't care but she saw right through him.

Tim looked at Marinette and asked "So does that mean Bruce is back and he adopted another kid while he was MIA?"

Marinette facepalmed at his question, there was a small pull at her heart when he mentioned Bruce but she chuckled at his answer anyways.

"No Tim, it means that I am pregnant." she smiled at him as she watched his face as he processed the information, he grinned almost as much as Dick and murmured 'congrats'. He couldn't stop smiling though.

"I believe congratulations are in order, Miss Marinette," Alfred replied, smiling and clapping lightly a few times.

The boys started asking questions about how long it has been, or what gender she wanted or how long she knew about this. She was happy that all of them seemed on board about the idea. Even Damian had asked a few questions. She was especially worried that Damian might not like the idea of another blood child because "it will rival my position as heir" as he had put before.

She went to sleep with the boys all snuggled around her including Jason who decided to stay there for the night. Jason was curled up on one side with Tim beside him and on the other side was Damian and Dick. they all seemed like a full happy family. She really really wished Bruce was there with them to share this moment of joy with the rest of them.

She soon drifted off into a dreamless yet disturbed slumber. She woke up the next morning to see Jason curled up near her feet, Tim falling half off the bed with drool on his face. Dick snuggled up into Damian hugging him close. She smiled at the calm scene. The one thing she then realised was that she was very stuck since the boys were all around her and she couldn't stand up or even move around much without disturbing at least one of them if not all of them.

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