52. My Gain (Your Loss - 3)

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He woke up the next morning, expecting to find his girlfriend snuggled up against him, but he woke up to find the bed on her side cold and still perfectly made. He sighed and let a tear slip down his face. He quickly wiped his eyes, he refused to cry, he was the son of batman and future demon head. He couldn't show weakness and be crying at a time like this. He sat up in his bed and looked at his bedside table where there was a picture of him and marinette holding hands. She was giggling at something and he was looking at her fondly. It was one of their first dates, he had taken her to the amusement park and then decided to tell his family yhey were dating. He sighed deeply at the memory and went to the bathroom, he washed his face and brushed his teeth. He came out to see his father waiting in his room, he was looking at the laptop he had left on his bedside table.

He cleared his throat and his dad looked at him. His dad sighed and started talking, "Damian, this is not healthy, you have to let go. You made a mistake, a big one, but if she doesn't want to be found then respect her wishes. You need to respect her decision to not be found and she needs time to heal. Let her be, Damian, don't cause her more pain."

He stood up and left the room, quietly closing the door behind him. Damian thought about what Bruce said, he was right. Damian couldn't just obsessively search for Marinette, he already hurt her, he didn't want to hurt her even more. She'll come back when she is ready, she will come back to him, where else could she go?


In the meantime, Marinette had started packing up, she couldn't stay in more than one place for too long, Jon and Adrien were over protective. They had also just started dating and she didn't want to come between the love birds. She told both Jon and Damian that she was going to go do her own thing for a while. She was going to settle down and open a second cafe while leaving her current one in Gotham, in Tim's care.

She waved goodbye to the two as she boarded the train to Central city. She had called Barry beforehand and asked if she could stay there until her cafe was set up. He agreed to let her stay but told her about the new addition. A boy, Bart Allen, he was from the future and is Barry's grandson. She was surprised at first but agreed to meet the new kid. She arrived in Central in around an hour and searched the station for Barry. She then called him and was greeted with a crash when he picked up.

"Is this a bad time?" she asked.

"No, no, I am just getting ready. Bart should be there already, I had work and didn't think I could make it in time but I am just home, sorting through groceries." Barry replied with a grunt.

"That's fine, just send me your address, I'm sure I can manage my way there" she replied with a chuckle.

"Bart should be there, he is a red head and has freckles, around 5'7" Barry replied.

She thanked him and hung up, then suddenly a cute boy walked up to her and tapped her shoulder, "Hey,you'rereallypretty,CanIhaveyournumber.I'mnotacreepIpromise,you,rejustvryprettyand..."the boy started rambling.

Then he stopped and facepalmed, "Sorry sorry, I'm rambling, Let me start again please, Hi, I'm Bart, you're really pretty, can I have your number?"

Marinette heard the name and froze, she looked at him and took in his appearance, Red hair, freckles, 5'7 ish.

She chuckled and replied, "Hi Bart, I'm Marinette, charmed to meet you. I believe Uncle Barry sent you?" she asked with a teasing grin. This was the first time she had smiled in the last few weeks.

"Oh My God! You are Marinette? Oh God, Please don't tell Barry about this pleaseeee!!!" he begged.

"Okay I won't, let's go home?" she asked.

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