43. Need to pick your brother, Again? - Final Part

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Marinette and Ivy were at Ivy's safe house, Harley and Catwoman were there too. To say they were surprised was an understatement. Ivy had left the house claiming that she was bored and was going to wreck some havoc but returned with an cute kid, laughing and talking like they've known each other for years.

The sirens greeted the kid into the house and got to know that her name was Marinette, they provided her with tubs and tubs of ice cream and grabbed one for themselves. First they got her to tell them about the a**hole that broke this poor angel's heart. Catwoman sighed knowingly as she realised what had really happened. She knew that Bruce probably made him go undercover for a mission.

She didn't say anything, knowing by now that interfering in bat-business is just going to make the situation worse, also explaining meant telling the girl and the others the Bat's and Birds' identity. She heard Marinette ramble on and on about how he was so nice and cute but never finished their dates and then cheated on her. She also mentioned that she didn't want to create a scandal on the news since this was one of the Wayne boys that they were talking about here.

She bonded with all of them. She had impressed Ivy with standing up to her and further by how much she cared about plants. She got along well with Harley by playing with her pet hyenas. Catwoman bonded with her over their disastrous relationships with Tim and Bruce, Selina also shared details about her other relations that ended in disaster.

They spent time together until it was evening, they had an ice cream, Netflix and chill session until Red Robin and Nightwing broke in through the skylight and demanded that they take the girl home.

Red Robin got unusually jumpy as Selina gave him a knowing look and mouthed "She's a keeper, don't mess this up any further."

Red Robin and Nightwing took her home but on the way they encountered Penguin trying to wreak havoc at the docks. They left her at the back of a nearby alleyway and told her to stay right there until they returned. She sat there and thought about her day with the Sirens. She suddenly remembered that Selina had given her her number. She smiled slightly and pulled her phone out, 5% it showed. She groaned and decided to save the contact and set a reminder to text her later. She looked up after and saw 3 goons with disgusting, scary grins creeping up on her.

She let out a shriek of surprise which caught Red's attention. He made his way to the alleyway and saw Marinette trying to fight off the three goons. She was so busy fighting one of them that she didn't see the other one sneaking up behind her with a knife. Red threw a bat-a-rang at him and took over while giving Marinette a small smile. She saw something fall out of his pocket and picked it up. She was about to call out to him when he suddenly got stabbed in the shoulder. He let out a gasp and knocked out the three goons while she slipped the item he dropped into her pocket.

'I'll return it after I make sure he's OK.' she thought.

Nightwing walked in with a slight smile, but the smile disappeared when he saw that Red was hurt. He rushed towards Red and stopped the bleeding by ripping a piece of his suit and tying it on his shoulder. He heard him mutter something into his ear piece, which she assumed was a comm.

He turned to her and took her home as Red made his way to the cave. Nightwing got her home and waved her a small 'bye' along with a smile and wink as he back flipped off the ledge of her window. She smiled and made her way to her bed, just lying down tired. She pulled out her phone but realised that something else fell out along with it. She picked it up and realised that it was a towel, a very familiar one at that. One with coffee cups on it and her initials in the corner.

She sat there staring at the towel with wide eyes as everything sunk in. He was Tim, Him was Tim. Tim was Red Robin. That's why he ran off abruptly all the time. That's probably why he was at that shady bar. It all made sense now. Oh My God, she slapped Red Robin, Tim saw her in her PJ's and with the worst Bed hair.

She facepalmed as she threw herself back onto the bed. She decided this would be future Marinette's problem and that present Marinette just needed to sleep. She drifted off into a disturbed yet dreamless slumber.

The next morning she woke up with a terrible headache. She made her way to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She tamed her frizzy hair and washed her face. She took a warm shower and put on her best outfit. She went downstairs and hailed a cab to the Wayne manor, she would confront him. When she got to the Wayne manor she rang the bell.

A voice with a British Accent came on through the intercom and asked "How may I help you today?"

She took a deep breath and replied "Can I see Tim please?"

"And who might you be?" he replied

"I am Marinette, Tim and I are ... ... friends." she finished

He hummed and turned the intercom off, she waited for a few seconds and was turning to leave when the voice came again, "Welcome, Ms Marinette. Come on in."

She smiled slightly as she pushed the gates open and walked up the driveway. She knocked on the door when an elderly man opened the door, the same British accent from earlier said, "Welcome, Master Tim is waiting inside, may I take your coat?"

"Thank you" she replied with a kind smile.

She walked behind him, into the huge mansion. Tim was waiting for her eagerly.

As soon as she walked in her started rambling about how sorry he was and tried to explain but he didn't know how. He finally sighed and said "I'm sorry, I don't deserve you, I can't explain." He turned away from her but she replied quickly before he left.

"I know," she said. Then she held out the towel. He stared at her with wide eyes, both confusion and disbelief were evident. He didn't know what to say, his mouth opened and closed like a fish as he stared from the towel to her face. She giggled at his reaction and smiled.

She gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, "How about we start over?" she suggested.

"I would like that." he replied with a small goofy smile.

Suddenly an older boy walked in not looking up from his phone, "Hey replacement we need to go. Now" he said urgently. He looked up after saying that and saw that there was someone else in the room.

"Ummm, I need him to come with me to ... ... pick Damian from school." Jason replied awkwardly.

"On a Sunday?" Marinette asked with her eyebrows raised and a small giggle escaping her.

Jason's eyes went even wider when she said that as he fumbled with his words trying to come up with a better excuse.

Tim laughed at his older brother and said, "Calm down Jason, she knows."

Jason's eyes went impossibly wide as he repeated "She knows? The old man is going to throw a fit."

"She figured it out. I dropped the birthday gift she gave me when I saved her." Tim said with a sheepish smile.

"Go on, you need to pick your brother. Again!" she said when Jason's phone dinged. Tim's cheeks went red when she said that.

"Thanks, don't go, I'll be back soon." he replied and ran off pecking her forehead real quick.

She heard his voice from the next room "Alfred, show her to my room would you please?" he asked and the last thing she heard were hurried footsteps running down stairs.

'This is going to be one hectic adventure' she thought, 'but probably totally worth it.' she finished herself with a grin.

(1357 words)

- Toodles

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