16. BONUS 4 - Was that absolutely necessary

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Jason's Reaction to Proposal

Jason walks in with a polished gun under his arm and he is counting the new ammo he got, there was quite a lot.*

Jason - What's up losers.

Mari - Jason *in a warning tone*

Jason - Oops, hey pixie, didn't see you there.

Mari - Look Jason, I need to tell you something, meet me back here in half an hour.

Jason - *worried for pixie* are you ok pixie, do I need to eviscerate someone, or even torture.

Mari - I'm fine, just meet me

Jason - thinking - ooh, probably time to torture someone.

Damian - thinking - I'm dead

Dick - shouts - Jason, Lil' D proposed 3 weeks ago, he is getting married in 2 weeks.

Jason - Yeah, that's great, I feel sorry for the girl.

Bruce - ...

Tim - ...

Mari - ...

Damian - ...

Bruce - He took that quite well...

Bruce - that still wasn't right of you Dick, I asked you not to.

Dick - Come on no harm done, no pain no gain right?

Tim - raises an eyebrow

Jason - processes what Dick told him

Gears turning in Jason's head

Jason - screams - Demon Spawn, how dare you, I'm coming for you !!!

Bruce - not amused, not impressed expression

Dick - Oopsie Daisies??

Damian - Sprints off

Bruce - Hears vases and plates breaking, and someone storming down the hall. *gunshot*

Marinette - Oh gods, I'll probably have to use second chance to stop Jason or lucky charm to knock him out.

Alfred - Master Bruce you don't happen to know where your old baseball bat is, Do you?

Dick - Oh my God, B used to play baseball !!

Tim - I think we have more pressing matters at hand.

Dick - Fine, but I'm not letting that go.

Bruce - I think Jason hid it after you knocked him out during his last tantrum.

Alfred - I guess your Cricket bat will have to do the job then.

Dick - You play cricket too.

Dick - Now, I'm so not letting this go.

Tim - Ahem, ahem - gesturing towards the door where they can hear shattering of glass, screams of fury and multiple gunshots.

Tim - You are so dead Demo....

Tim - Demon, where are you??

Dick - Liil D' escaped during the time he had.

Mari - I hid Shaythan, now let me see Jason.

Dick - I don't think that is a good idea.

Mari - Just trust me, I'm ladybug, I can always use 'second chance' remember.

Tim - Fine, *opens the door*

*Louder tantrum and crashing*

Jason - *bursts out while screaming with 2 pistols and a snipper* - Demon Spawn get here this instant before I track you down and kill you.

*Shoots 2 vases and a picture in the room*

Mari - Jason, you are not killing anyone.

Jason - Stay out of this Marinette, he deserves what is coming for him.



Mari - *gasps*

Bruce - Thank you, you are a lifesaver. If that hadn't happened I'd probably have my sons blood on my hands.

Dick - He did it again.

Tim - *shakes his head fondly*

Alfred - You're welcome Masters, I apologise Mistress Marinette.

Marinette - It's fine Alfie, it had to be done

Marinette - But did you have to whack him in the head with a cricket bat *raises eyebrow*

Damian - *creeps in*

Damian - Oh, Todd deserved that

Damian - I wasn't scared of him or anything.

Everyone except Bruce and Alfred - *rolls their eyes*

Bruce - *Grunts*

Alfred - *facepalms*

(551 words)

- Toodles

P.S. - Please send in any requests.

Maribat Oneshots - A little saltDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora