37. Bug with Broken Wings, No, Clipped Wings

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A/N -
Trigger Warning: Bullying, Depression, Suicide.
If you are not comfortable with any of these then reader discretion is advised.


"No Blue! Don't please. I love you, please."

"Ukhti don't leave me"



"Liar" - Juleka

"Slut" - Kim

"Good for nothing" - Alix

"Waste of time" - Max

"Go die in a ditch" - Liela Grossi

"Bully" - Rose

"I bet your parents are ashamed to have made something like you" - Chloe

"I can't believe I was ever your friend!" - Alya

"You should've just taken my advice and taken the high road, then none of this would've happened" - Adrien Assgreste (Oops. Not sorry!)

These were the pleasant words Marinette had heard today morning when she was on her way to the cafe she worked in. Pushed into an empty alley, she was bullied, verbally, and physically by her classmates from middle school. The only ones who didn't join in were Marc and Nathaniel along with Nino. Hawkmoth was defeated and Chat Noir and Ladybug were gone. Mayura surrendered and Emilie was still in a coma. Marinette may have been the guardian but she rarely used the miraculous. It gave her hope and the kwami's stopped her from doing anything rash. Every time she gained the teensiest bit of hope it got shattered within seconds.

She got home and climbed up to her room, she went onto the balcony and stared out into the beautiful dusk sky. She reminisced about the times she had spent with Chat Noir, the times they fought akumas, the times when she was actually happy. Sure she had found her younger brother, son of Bruce Wayne, Damian Al-Ghul Wayne. They both had Al-Ghul blood in their veins but she never knew who her father was. Bruce was ready to take her in as his own but she refused. She didn't want to be the daughter of the successful, billionaire of Gotham, she wanted to be Marinette, the successful designer who rose up due to her skill.

She freed all the Kwamis and gave three letters to Kaalki, she asked Kaalki to teleport her to the top floor of the Eiffel Tower and she let her go too. She asked Kaalki to deliver the letters after she jumped but Kaalki had disappeared. She started thinking about her life, from the point everything had started to go wrong.

She talked to Damian frequently. She also talked to her boyfriend, the one and only Nightwing, more commonly known as Officer Grayson, Dick was the sweetest of the batboys. He was a year older than her and Jason was the same age as her. She had met Jason before she found Damian. Jason had come to Paris to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and watch the dusk sky, something he always wanted to do. She was sitting there and talking to her Kwami when this guy randomly popped up. He saw the flying red thing and screamed "AHHH!! Bug..., Mouse..., BUGMOUSE." Marinette just looked at him and laughed as Tikki just looked unamused. He definitely became her overprotective brother the instant she almost fell from laughter, he caught her and gave her a 2 hour long lecture on why you shouldn't laugh while sitting on the edge of a building.

She laughed at the irony of the memory as she was standing on the edge of the tower right now. Just this time, no laughter, no Jason, no Tikki, and no accidents.

In the meantime, all the bat boys were sitting in the living room as a portal randomly opened up in the middle of the room. Dick, Damian and Jason sighed while Tim looked confused along with Barbara, and Steph squealed while Bruce just sighed and rolled his eyes fondly. But they were surprised to see only a lone Kwami flying out while carrying a few pieces of paper. Barbara stared at the thing with her mouth wide open, Tim looked at the thing and looked back at his laptop. Then he suddenly looked back up as if it just sunk in that a portal with a flying baby horse just popped into the middle of the room.

He started muttering about hallucination and coffee. The other boys waited patiently for Mari to come out but the portal closed and everyone gathered around the Kwami in the blink of an eye. Kaalki just handed them all a paper each, and stayed silent while getting ready to open a portal to the Eiffel Tower.

Dick burst into tears after reading the letter, then he realised, it's not too late and that he could still save her. He looked at Kaalki with determined and pleading eyes. She nodded as Jason looked ready to kill her classmates and save Mari while giving her maybe a 5 hour lecture this time on why she shouldn't try to kill herself for some worthless idiots. Damian shed a few tears and showed an ounce of emotion for the first time in years as he glared daggers at the piece of paper. Bruce just looked at Kaalki with a nod.

"Do it" Bruce said at the same time as Damian, who said "What are you waiting for, peasant, my sister is in danger!"

Kaalki glared at Damian as she opened a portal to the top level of the Eiffel Tower. Marinette whipped around to stare at the people who just showed up.

"I am so sorry Dami, I have to do this. I can't live like this anymore. Dick, I love you so much. Never forget that, please move on after me. Jason," she started but realised that he had started inching closer, she put her hand up and took a step back, she was at the edge and Jason froze along with everyone else.

No one moved a muscle as Marinette continued "I want you to know Jason, you will always have me with you. In your hearts I will keep living. Bruce, you are like a father to me, no, you are a father to me. I love you so much and I hope you'll find happiness with Selina."

"No Blue! Don't please. I love you, please!" Dick screamed.

"Ukhti don't leave me" Damian sobbed, tears falling freely now.

She slowly took another step back as all the boys lunged forward, Jason's hand just touched hers as she slipped away and fell.

"It's not your fault, I love you gu-" she got cut off as she landed with a sickening crunch.

Damian and Dick stared in horror and they leaned across the edge, hands outstretched, trying desperately to grasp her before she fell, but alas, it was too late. They lost their sunshine, they were never going to get it back. Jason looked at his hand with tears in his eyes, he couldn't get the feeling of their fingers grazing and her face when she fell. She was gone, the once soaring bug now had broken wings - No, clipped, her wings weren't broken, they were clipped by her classmates. Not a single one of her classmates was going to be able to even crawl after this, let alone fly - and fell to the Earth, never to be seen again.

(1175 words) Not incl A/N

- Toodles

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