Chapter 8

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I was woken up by a huge bang. I jumped up and looked around. Dabi was gone. There was blood on the floor. Lots of it. Panicked, I quickly get up off the couch and looked around for Dabi. I heard shuffling and grunting in the bathroom so I quickly but cautiously opened the door.

I looked into the bathroom and saw Dabi stumbling around, injured badly. My heart sank in my chest. "Dabi?!?!" I ran into the bathroom and helped him sit against the tub. "What happened?!?!" He was coughing up blood and I could feel my eyes tearing up. "H-help now, e-explanation la-ter."

I nodded and rushed around the bathroom for towels and gauze and other things. I cut his clothes off of him. He smirked at me. "Y-y'know I'd love to princess b-ut I don't think now is a g-good time." He chuckled to himself. "Shut up and get into the tub." I said with tears rolling down my face. I turned the water on and let the tub fill up while I helped Dabi get into it.

I cleaned him up a bit and examined his wounds. He took my hand and just held it. I stopped what I was doing and just stared into his eyes. The tears will still rolling down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do.. I couldn't take him to the hospital or else they'd help him and lock him up or they'd just let him die.. I was really scared that I was going to lose him before he was even mine..

I leaned closer and he put his hand on my cheek to wipe my tears. "Don't cry for me princess. I'm not leaving you just yet." I sniffled and kissed his hand. He tried to smile but was interrupted by a cough. I kissed his cheek and went back to cleaning him up.

After cleaning all his wounds I drained the tub and stood up. "I'll be right back, don't try to move." He nodded and watched me as I walked away. I came back a few minutes later with some of Dabi's clothes. I set the clothes to the side and grabbed the gauze.

I took a deep breath and blushed as I climbed into the tub and sat over Dabi's lap, being careful not to put any pressure on his legs. If Dabi wasn't blushing before he sure as hell was now. I bandaged him up and double checked my work. He just sat there and admired me as I worked on him. He puts his hands on my face, causing me to look at his face. "Hm?" He pulled me in and kissed my lips softly. I smiled against his lips and kissed him back, gently holding his face.

I broke the kiss and climbed out of the tub. "I know it hurts but you need to lean forward a bit so I can get you dressed." He nodded while a moved the clothes a bit closer to the tub. He leaned forward a little and I helped him get his shirt on. My pants were soaked from being in the tub before so I took them off.

Dabi's face was so red from blushing. It was adorable. Normally I would tease him but given the situation I figured that's probably not the best idea. I got back in the tub with him and puts his boxers and sweatpants on him. He was a little embarrassed to have me dressing him so I decided to tease him a little. "You know.." He looked up at me and made eye contact. "I'd rather be taking your boxers off instead of putting them on." I teased. He just smirked and kissed me.

I kissed him back then pulled away to kiss his cheek. "Let's get you into bed so you can explain what the fuck happened." "Yeah, yeah.." I put his arm around my neck and put my arm around his waist and helped him stand up and step out of the tub. "You ok?" I asked as I helped him balance him self. "Never better princess." He said in a sarcastic tone.

We slowly walked to my room and I put him in my bed. I sat next to him and held his hand. "Now get to explaining. Why is there blood all over the apartment and why are you all injured?" He stayed silent for a minute before he sighed and rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"I got called in early this morning, it was around 5am and I didn't want to wake you because you stayed up so late. After I did what I needed to I headed back here but I was followed by a few heros. I was able to fight them off but I got fucked up in the process. Hawks saw me stumbling down the street and helped me get back home. I tripped over something after I got back inside and I got blood all over. I got into the bathroom and a minute later you came in."

I didn't say anything, I just wrapped my arms around him gently and cuddled him. "I'm glad you're ok.. You scared me.." He gently caressed my face and kissed my head. "I'm sorry for worrying you princess. That's the last thing I want." We just cuddled and talked for a while.

~Time Skip~

Dabi was asleep, I laid there drawing circles on his chest with my finger. There was a knock at the door. Who could that be..? I carefully got up out of Dabi's arms. And quietly made my way to the door. I opened the door to see Hawks standing there anxiously.

"Hawks?? What are you doing here?" I stepped to the side and let him in. "I wanted to see if Dabi was ok.. I helped him get back here earlier but I had to leave right after so that I wouldn't be suspected." I closed the door behind him. "He's ok now I cleaned him up and he's resting now."

I saw him instantly relax. "Thank god. Do you uh.. Need help cleaning this mess up? It looks like a lot of work and Dabi won't be able to help anytime soon." "Oh uhm- sure" I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cleaning stuff. Hawks used his feathers to clean up while we sat on the couch and talked.

"So you and bacon bits. You guys a thing?" I blushed a bit at the question. "Nothing official no.." I saw him smirk slightly. "So does that mean I still have a shot?" I laughed a bit. "No, no you do not. Even if we aren't a couple I'm still Dabi's and I will stay Dabi's until he states otherwise." He smiled. "I like the loyalty."

We were interrupted by Dabi's voice from my room. "You better watch it bird I could still easily kill you!" I giggled and we walked into my room. I got back into bed with Dabi and went back to my cuddling position. "You wish. How are you doing?" Hawks asked Dabi as he sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Ya know, I have been better." He joked. The three of us talked for a bit until Hawks had to leave. Me and Dabi went back to cuddling.

"Hey princess, I have something for you."
1246 words.

Cliffhanger for ya ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hope you enjoyed! ♡︎ᴥ︎♡︎

See you in the next chapter! <3

His? (Dabi x Female reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon