Chapter 13

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Dabi's pov:

I can't believe I'm really doing this. If I live through this then I'm burning that crusty bastard alive.

Sending me out of the city to spy on heroes.

I'm hiding out at some random hero commission in another city. If I fuck up here I won't have that bird to help me. It's pretty late and it looks like no one is here but you can never be too careful with these bastards.

I melted the lock on a window and climbed in through it. It seems empty. All the lights are off and it's dead quiet. I cautiously walked through the empty halls of the building until I found the main conference room. I looked around through files for anything important and took pictures of anything important.

Most of this is useless crap. Of course they wouldn't keep the important things in plain sight. The camera will just have to do.

I took out a small camera and hid it under a shelf, aimed at the conference table.

Just as I was leaving the room I saw a light go on down the hall.


I quietly slipped back into the room and ducked under a desk. I could hear footsteps getting closer and closer.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

The door opened but the light didn't turn on. Footsteps slowly made their way around the room. Whoever it is definitely knows I'm here. They just don't know where. I prepared myself to have to use my quirk.

The person continued to walk until they were right in front of me. They didn't bend down to look at me. They didn't say anything. They just stood in silence.

I suddenly got very dizzy and started to lose consciousness. I could see the space around me filling with some kind of gas. The last thing I saw was the stranger starting to bend down but before I could see their face I blacked out.

Y/n's pov:

"What do you mean you don't know?! You're supposed to know where he is at all times!" I was furious and close to a panic attack. Apparently Dabi hasn't contacted the league in over 5 hours and they aren't doing anything about it. For all we know he could be dead.

"Y/n relax. I know you're upset but-" Kurogiri started before I cut him off. "Upset?! I'm beyond upset!! It is your guys's job to make sure everyone is safe and know where they are at all times when on a mission and you aren't doing any of that!! For fucks sake you don't even look like you care!!!"

I sat on the couch by the bar and hung my head on my hands. "You better find him. You have to." I said quietly, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice.

Kurogiri came out from behind the bar and stood in front of me. "We will find him y/n. You just have to be patient. I'll have to see if he's still at the commission building in the city we sent him to, then we'll go from there. Take a few breaths and calm down."

I nodded and took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry for yelling.. I didn't mean to take out my emotions on you, you didn't deserve that." He nodded in acknowledgement and went back behind the bar. "Dabi is strong y/n! I'm sure he's just fine!" Toga said trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah.. I guess you're right. I'm gonna head to the cafe, do any of you wanna come? I could use some company.." I said as I stood up and straightened out my clothes. Toga started jumping up and down. "Me! Me! I do!!" Twice jumped in and put on his mask. "Me too! I wanna go!" I smiled and nodded. Giri, do you think you could warp us there? It would be easier and there's less a chance of them being caught." I said, grabbing a water bottle from the cooler next to the bar.

"Sure." "Thanks giri!" Kurogiri opened a portal for us and we went through. This always made me a little queasy but it's no where near as bad as the first time I warped. I threw up all over the place.

Toga and Twice started exploring the small cafe. I went to the kitchen and pulled some stuff out to make cookies. "Hey after I'm done with these do you guys wanna come over to my place? I've been working on a drawing I think you'll like"

"Yeah!!" They both got excited and were jumping around with each other. I preheated the oven and scooped the cookie dough onto a baking sheet. I looked over at the other two to see them staring at birds out the window. They definitely are interesting.

~Time Skip~

Finally home. I opened the door and let Toga and Twice in. "Stay out of Dabi's room. He doesn't like people going in there." They both nodded in acknowledgement and looked around. "Wow! This place is really cool y/n! A lot better then the hideout, that's for sure!" "Yeah!".

The two walked around the house and explored until they found my art room. "Hey y/n what's this?" Toga asked. "Oh that's my art room! This is what I brought you guys here for. I've been working on this drawing since the night before Dabi left on his mission." I pulled the paper out and showed them the half done drawing of all of us.

"Woah!!" They both stared at it in awe. "You drew that?! That's amazing!!" I smiled and put it back. "Thanks Twice, I appreciate that."

I let them wonder around my art room and look at all the things I've made. I can't lie, it's nice having people admire my work.

975 words.

Sorry this took so long! I started it yesterday but it wasn't making sense with the rest of the story so I had to delete it and start over. I've also been busy on tiktok so yk.

I probably won't be updating until after Christmas, I want to focus on my school work for the next few days and then there will be Christmas Eve and Christmas day where I'll be busy.

Regarding my oneshot books, You guys seem to like those but I have had no inspiration for them lately so if you have requests please send them to me.

That's all, hope you enjoyed! ♡︎ᴥ︎♡︎

See you next chapter!<3

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