Chapter 21

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Y/n's pov:

It's been a week now since Dabi came back home with me. I feel bad about all of this, I didn't mean to start stuff between them at the league's hideout. I wish I could go back in time and change things. I would've just told Dabi that I was crying from the pain and told him I wanted to go home for a while. Then everything would be fine. But it's too late now. What happened, happened and I can't change it so there's no point in saying upset about it. But, that's how I am.

"Dabs? You sure you don't need help?" I asked from the other side of the closed bathroom door. Dabi's doing a lot better but he still struggles with things like showering, he's been taking baths lately because standing up for that long is too much still. It also helps because I can clean all his wounds at once. He stayed quiet for a moment before mumbling an almost inaudible "No.." Causing a small giggle to leave my lips. I opened the door and went to go help him. Closing the door behind me, I look to the bathtub and see him laying there, deflated in defeat. 

"It's not that bad Dabs, don't be a baby about it." He stuck his tongue out and mocked me. "You're not the one that can't bathe themselves." He huffed out. I shot him a dirty look. "Are you forgetting who had to help me stay clean the first few days that you were asleep?" He started laughing and sat up a bit. "Rightttt. I bet bathtime with Toga is tons of fun." He joked. "You're so mean to meeee!" I complained in fake sadness as I kneeled next to the tub and grabbed a washcloth.

"Whattttt? Me? Never." He joked back. "Mhm. Sure big guy." He handed me the soap and I poured some onto the washcloth. "So how much longer do you think it will be until Kurogiri comes for you?" He leaned forward so I could wash his back. "I don't think he'll come. He's probably just waiting for me to come back and ask for a mission, which won't be happening." He let out a soft groan as I gently cleaned one of his wounds. "Does this mean you're leaving the league?" I asked as I began to clean the wounds on his chest. 

"No, once I'm fully healed I'll continue to work but I'm not moving back there. I'm staying here with you and you'll be coming with me any time you want. He doesn't control me." He stated, trying to hide the pain from me touching his wounds. I smiled softly at his statement. "I appreciate your kindness but I think I'll just focus more on my art while you go out and work. I don't want to go where I'm not welcomed." He looked at me with a serious look. "You are not unwelcomed there. Everyone there loves you except for Shiggy because he doesn't like anyone. Kurogiri doesn't hate you either, No I don't agree with what he's doing but I do understand why he's doing it. He just wants to keep the rest of the league safe after what happened when the pros rescued that blonde kid." 

"Well I still have the cafe to focus on and then there's my art stuff... I don't know... I think I'll just stay away for a while." He took my hand and held it. "Whatever you're comfortable with." I smiled and kissed his hand before taking my hand back and continuing to clean him. "Y/nnnnn" He whined. "Yesssss?" I answered back. "Can we order out and have a movie night? We haven't had one in months" I smiled and pulled the plug in the tub to drain it. "Sure, I'll help you dry off then go order something." He nodded and got out of the tub and I handed him a towel. 

I left the room so he could change and grabbed my phone to order us dinner. I'll just get a pizza I guess. I called and placed the order, while I was on the phone, Dabi came up behind me and hugged me, and rested his chin on my shoulder. I leaned back against him gently and finished ordering. After I hung up he turned me around and kissed me "You taste sweet~" He said with a wink and a smirk. I playfully rolled my eyes and pushed him away. "Are you ok to set things up while I get the food? I don't want you to push yourself." I said as I put my boots on. "I'll be fine princess, don't worry. Just worry about getting that food back here safely." He said with a genuine smile. I don't get to see those often any more. He's always in pain. I waved goodbye and left to go get the pizza.

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