chapter fifty. the reunion.

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sunday, january 5.

The pointed towers of the castle come into view as I follow the trail of a bluebird outside the window with my eyes. The landscape is still blindingly white, snow coating every tree branch and leaf for as far as I can see. There's something so calming about winter to me and I smile as the storybook-looking town of Hogsmeade comes into view. The little people bustling about the town look like busy ants, rushing around with a purpose. 

"We're home," Cedric smiles, placing his hand on my thigh as we approach the station.

"I'm not ready for it to end," I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder and reminiscing the past week we spent in Paris. The city was the perfect escape for two of us and we're closer than ever. Having nowhere to be at no specific time is the most freeing feeling and allowed us to travel all over, exploring every inch of the city, with no obligations or restrictions.

The train screeches to a halt and I follow Cedric out of the compartment, his bag and mine in his hands. The air is cold and my arms immediately cross my chest, protecting myself from the wind. Hagrid approaches us, red-nosed and rosy-cheeked with a wide grin on his face.

"Good to see you two lovebirds back here safely," he chuckles. "Been missin' my kiddos."

"Missed you too, Hagrid!" I smile up at him and he squeezes my shoulder lovingly as Cedric shakes his hand. 

"Good to see you, Hagrid," he smiles, then rests our bags on the carts before reaching his arm around my shoulders and leading me into the town.

"Wanna grab a bite?" Cedric offers as we approach The Three Broomsticks. I look into the windows of the warm restaurant, spotting Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the twins sweated inside at a table, laughing intensely in front of mugs of butterbeer. Looking up to Cedric for approval, he gives me a smile and I rush inside to see my friends. 

I push the door open violently, nearly knocking over Madame Rosmerta and her tray of drinks when Hermione notices the clamber and turns to see me.

"Ava!" she screams, jumping up from her spot between Harry and Ron to pull me into a warm embrace, squeezing me so tightly I swear she could've punctured an organ. I pull away as we look at one another, then go back in for another hug while the rest of the group stands to greet me.

"Heard you were in Paris!" Fred smiles, hugging me quickly.

"How was that?" George finishes his brother's thought, hugging my other side and I can't keep the smile off my face from seeing my friends again.

"It was incredible!" I gush, wanting to tell them everything but knowing there's not enough time in a day. "We went to nightclubs and snuck up the Eiffel Tower and went to the Louvre and ate delicious food and..." I trail off, looking around at all of my friends who are listening so intently. "Oh, I missed you guys."

"That sounds brilliant, Ava," Harry smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"Bloody hell we've missed you," Ron sighs, pushing Harry out of the way to hug me. I won't tell anyone this, but Ron is the best hugger.

"You look amazing," Ginny smiles, hugging me, then pulling away to admire me and my post-vacation glow. 

Cedric's entered the restaurant and comes up behind me, resting his hands on my waist. Everyone greets him sweetly and the twins even shake his hand. I'm absolutely beaming from the presence of all of my best friends that I don't even notice that Fred is acting remarkably normal considering the circumstances.

"Well, let's sit down then," I laugh, noticing we're all standing awkwardly in the middle of the restaurant, and Cedric orders us two drinks and a tray of chips.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now