chapter fourteen. the egg.

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It seems like the entirety of Gryffindor is shoved into the common room, awaiting Harry's return to celebrate today's event. Ron and I are seated beside the fire for warmth as Fred and George are counting their profits for the day on the couch. Hermione is next to them, occupying her time by reading. There is a subtle lull of chatter that fills the room.

"Well, George, I gotta say, those mini fireworks were your best idea yet," Fred says, shuffling through their piles of coins.

"Thank you very much, Fred," George responds, finishing counting another stack.

"I cannot believe you two are taking all these students' money," I say, standing up and making a spot for myself on the couch beside Fred.

"Well our other business has been dying down since Snape became such a hardass, so we've resorted to this," explains George. I know he's referencing their 'weed' operation, some muggle drug that students of all years are willing to overpay for. Fred and George have been taking advantage of this since their third year. I've only ever smoked with them twice, but I definitely prefer it to getting drunk.

"Looking to burn some inventory?" I ask the two.

"Depends on what you're willing to pay," Fred poses. I smack him with a pillow from the couch.

"I think you guys are doing just fine," I gesture to the stacks of coins in front of them.

"She makes a fair point," George says to his brother.

"All right then, Rootes. Our room at 11," Fred agrees.

"Wait, can I come, too?" Ron intrudes.

"Absolutely not," George responds.

"But I'm your brother!"

"Says who?" Fred laughs and Ron starts to pout.

Suddenly, the room breaks into cheers as Harry enters the room. Everyone surrounds him with signs and banners and I see Ron slip away to the dormitories. Hermione notices as well, putting her book aside, and rolls her eyes at me, in reference to Ron's stubbornness.

Harry lifts the egg above his head, showing it off to the entire room as everyone claps and cheers. The twins have stood up from the couch and cross to Harry, lifting him up on their shoulders. The egg gets passed around so everyone can admire it.

"Shush!" Seamus Finnegan commands the attention of the room, egg in hand. "Go on, Harry! What's the clue?" he asks, passing it back up to Harry.

"Who wants me to open it?" Harry encourages the crowd as everyone cheers again.

"Do you want me to open it?"

"Yes!" everyone responds. Hermione, Ginny, and I laugh at Harry's growing cockiness.

"Uch, the ego!" Ginny shakes her head. Harry grabs the egg by the top latch, unscrewing it, and the three latches unfold, letting out the most ungodly, horrific screech. Everyone in the room clasps their hands over their ears. The twins drop Harry as he struggles to close it back up. The sound suddenly stops and everyone looks at Harry, confused.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asks, reentering the room. Everyone turns their attention to him and there is a moment of awkward silence; you could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"All right, everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without you nosy sods listening in," Fred says, breaking the silence. Hermione and Ginny stay leaning up against the couch, but I head up to my dorm. I was tired of putting on a good face and ready to be out of the public eye. Climbing the stairs, I recount the events from the task. The way Cedric looked me dead in the eyes, then proceeded to put his arm around Cho as if we were nothing to one another.

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