chapter twenty-nine. the homewrecker.

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"As much as I want to stay," I sigh. "Hermione's a bit of a mess and I should probably check in on her."

"5 more minutes," he replies, pulling me back down on the bed with him. I've changed out of my ball dress into an oversized Hufflepuff shirt and a pair of sweatpants that are about three sizes too big, so they slip down whenever I move. His lips meet mine as I straddle him on the bed.

"No more," I say, pushing him back down. "It's not fair to Cho either. You need to end things before we do anything else."

"I suppose you're right, as always," he rolls his eyes jokingly, sitting up next to me as I hop off of him. I stand up and cross to grab my dress and heels, but his hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me down into his lap.

"I'm glad we're okay," he whispers in my ear. A shiver runs down my spine at the feeling of his hot breath on my neck as he brushes my hair away, placing a line of kisses down my neck and onto my shoulder.

"Me too," I smile, pushing myself off of him again and grabbing my things. "I'll see you later."

He stands, opening the door for me, and bends down planting a kiss on my forehead as I walk out. As I reach the end of the hallway, I can still feel his eyes on me and I look back to see him leaning in the doorframe, watching me. He just smiles at me and I give him a little wave, then disappear around the corner.

I lean against the wall outside of the common room entrance, catching my breath and processing what just happened when Professor Snape appears around the corner.

"Rootes, get to your room immediately," he demands, stepping a little too close to me.

"Yes sir," I mutter, rushing down the hall towards the stairs, holding Cedric's ginormous sweatpants up by the waistband to avoid flashing all of the living paintings.

"No dilly dallying!" he yells after me.

The hallways are fairly empty by now as the ball ended nearly an hour ago. I run into a couple hiding in an empty classroom or group of crying girls every once in a while, but none of them even faze me. It's as if I'm floating through the halls on cloud nine. I'm not sure I've ever been this happy or excited about something in my entire life.

I burst into the Gryffindor Common Room in pure excitement to the twins and Ron in their usual positions on the couch and loveseat with their ties around their necks and the top buttons of their shirt undone.

"And where've you been?" Ron asks, still a bit upset about the incident with Hermione earlier. I walk over to the couch, setting my dress and shoes on the table, and plop down on the couch between the twins.

"Wait a minute," Fred realizes, looking over at me. "You've been with Mr. C haven't you?"

"Wha- how did you know that?" Ron asks, his voice pitch raising with every word.

"Ron, you really are such a dimwit," George shakes his head, gesturing to my outfit of a Hufflepuff shirt and mens sweatpants.

"Oh my god," Ron mutters. "Well, what happened?" he asks, leaving his loveseat and sitting on the floor just in front of the couch.

"All right," I roll my eyes. "This isn't story time. I'm gonna go find Hermione. I'll tell you guys everything later."

"But that's not fair!" Ron cries as I stand and step towards the staircase to my room.

"You best tell us," George suggests.

"Otherwise, we'll have to find other means of-" Fred starts.

"Oh, all right," I groan, gesturing for them to follow. "Just you two, though. Ron's the last person I need in the same room with Hermione tonight."

"But-" Ron protests.

"Oh cry me a river," Fred smiles, stepping past his brother.

"Maybe next time, little bro," George continues.

The three of us walk up the stairs and I warn the twins before we enter of the possibility of Hermione being a wreck.

"Just don't act like you know anything is up," I suggest, pushing open the door. Hermione is seated in her bed, showered and in her pajamas, reading a book.

"Oh, hey Ava," she notices me coming in. "How'd it go with Cedric?"

I'm surprised at how normal she's being and I'm worried she's a ticking time bomb that could go off at any moment. The twins behind me seem scared, but lighten up as soon as they notice her nature and take a seat on my bed.

"Longest story, to be honest," I sigh, sitting down beside her, facing the twins. And so I explain. I tell them about him approaching me at the ball, but not being able to speak to him at the time, so I followed him to the common room afterwards. I recall as much as I can about our conversation and how he had no idea that I ever felt the same, despite what I thought were considerable hints. I leave out the fact that he said he loves me because it feels a bit personal and a moment I want to keep to myself and I spare them the details of us kissing and such. I finish the story and release an extreme sigh of release. Hermione's looking over at me, smiling so wide I thought it wasn't possible to be any happier while the twins smile at me lovingly.

"I'm happy for you, Ava," Fred puts his hand on my knee. "You deserve this."

"Aww, thank you guys," I'm absolutely beaming and I throw myself forward hugging the twins and pinning them down on my bed.

"So, are you guys together now, or?" Hermione asks as I sit back up next to her.

"Not sure," I reply honestly. "I don't think we're gonna put a label on it or anything until we really figure everything out, especially since he hasn't ended it with Cho yet."

"Rootes the Homewrecker," Fred laughs. "Who would've thought!"

"Oh shut up, Fred," I punch him in the arm and he falls over dramatically. "I was there first if we're being honest."

"That's right!" George smiles. "He swiped your V-card didn't he?"

"He deflowered you!" Fred jokes with his brother.

"Popped your cherry!" George jumps in, making a popping sound as he pantomimes popping a balloon. Hermione bursts into a fit of laughter and I can feel my face getting hot.

"Can you guys quit it!" I shout over them, whacking them both with a pillow from Hermione's bed, but soon break out into laughter as well.

Harry bursts through the door, a bit out of breath and looks around at the four of us.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asks in a more serious tone, standing up to face him.

"Well, Malfoy's looking for you Ava," he sighs. "And he seems pissed."

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now