chapter fifty-one. the parents.

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monday, january 6.

"Hey, Draco!" I call out to get his attention, but Professor McGonagall steps in front of me before I can reach him.

"Ms. Rootes, come with me please," she asks stoically and I look past her shoulder, trying to see if Draco heard me. McGonagall gives me a questionable look and I sigh, abandoning my attempt at Malfoy's attention and nod my head, a bit confused at her purpose, but following her all the same.

She leads me through the empty hallways as everyone's in class, stopping just in front of Dumbledore's office.

"Am I in trouble, Professor?" I ask as the stone spiral staircase unfurls in front of us.

"Best you just go up alone now," she replies, circling around my question. I clench my teeth together as I start up the stairs, leaving McGonagall behind, and the stone staircase rises up the tower.

As I make my way up to the office, my mind rushes about what this could possibly be about. I dont remember breaking any school rules, well I dont remember being caught for breaking any school rules anyway. The only thing I could think of is something about Cedric or the Tournament. I take a a deep breath, preparing myself for anything that could happen.

I reach the top, pushing open the heavy wooden door to see Dumbledore standing behind his desk. Two people are seated in front of him and turn their heads as I enter the room and I realize it's my parents. I linger by the door, worried about the meaning for their visit. This is definitely not one of the scenarios I had come up with on my way here.

"Come in, Ava," Dumbledore's raspy voice instructs. There's something oddly sweet about his ton despite the obviously negative basis for our meeting.

"Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing here?" I ask, stepping closer and my mom stands to speak, tears forming in her eyes as a look of worry seems permanently plastered on her face.

"We were so worried about you- we haven't heard from you in months!" she exclaims, bordering on hysteria. My dad stands, reaching his arm around her to calm her and she pushes him away, falling back into her chair.

"Do you know how selfish you've been? Not even writing once to let us know you were going to Paris? Now we've spent all this money to travel here to make sure you're okay, you know we don't just have it lying around! You're only fifteen, you can't go carting around Europe like it's nothing!" My dad's temper rises and his words are sharp enough to cut.

"Please, Mr. and Mrs. Rootes, let's speak about this calmly," Dumbledore urges and my dad turns to him, slowly raging into one of his tantrums again.

"Listen you old, crumpled up, deranged man, our daughter is clearly unable to keep up with basic responsibilities and-" my dad shouts and Dumbledore silenced with a ride of his hand.

"I understand your concern, but shouting will not get anyone anywhere," Dumbledore says calmly and my Dad sits down in a huff.

"Look, this hasn't been an issue the past three years," I defend myself calmly as Dumbledore gives me a nod of approval to speak. "When I come to school, I figure that it's a burden off your shoulders. You guys know I'm safe here and that's that. Don't pretend to care all of a sudden, okay?"

"You're scaring your mother half to death, you know?" my dad continues to insult me with his words, but this time his tone is much calmer, which is almost worse than his yelling.

"You didn't even care to come home for Christmastime," my mom sobs, but I don't even feel a twinge of regret or guilt. I'm not sure why they're putting on such a show all of a sudden, but I won't put up with it.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now