chapter twenty-five. the birthday party.

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"Come on, Ron. We're going to be late!" I call up the stairs to his room. "And don't forget the gift!"

"You mean the gift you picked out for me to give to her?" he asks, appearing around the corner.

"Don't be like that," I complain. "You know she loves her birthday."

"Oh, I'm aware," he responds as we leave the common room and head for the library.

Today was pretty much like any other. Ron and I skipped our morning classes to get her gifts in Hogsmeade. I picked out a book that I hope she hasn't read yet and picked out a snow globe for Ron to give her. We put a moving picture inside of it of them laying in the snow together from when Hermione, Ron, and I went to Hogsmeade last year.

"Is she here yet?" I ask Ginny as we enter the library.

"No," she responds. "But she will be soon."

"Sounds good," I reply, pouring myself some punch. "Thanks for doing this."

"Hey, Ava!" I hear Harry's voice behind me. I turn around to him pulling me into a warm hug.

"Where should I put this?" I ask, gesturing to Ron and I's gifts.

"Just over here is fine," he says, leading me to the table next to the bowls of crisps. I set my gift down and grab a handful.

"I gotta say Ron, your dancing skills yesterday with McGonagall were brilliant," Harry jokes.

"Shut up, Harry," Ron complains.

"Happy birthday!" Ginny, Harry, Luna, Neville, and the twins yell, noticing Hermione's arrival. Ron and I turn around and I run up, throwing my arms around her.

"Happy Birthday, Hermione," I whisper in her ear. She pulls me in tight.

"Thank you, Ava!" she replies. We pull away and she takes turns hugging everyone.

We spend most of the evening in a circle of chairs and couches in a corner of the library, snacking on crisps and punch and laughing, telling stories, and complaining about classes.

"Thanks for doing this, you guys," Hermione says sincerely after opening all of her gifts. "I love you all."

We all smile at her and everyone decides it's time to head to bed. Our group leaves the library and Luna splits off from us as we head back up to the common room. Harry heads up to bed with Neville while the twins and I sit on the couch in front of the fire. Ginny's eyes are almost closing, so she goes upstairs too. Hermione and Ron go to head to their respective rooms, but Ron reaches in his pocket, realizing he never gave her the snowglobe.

"Hey, Hermione," Ron says, crossing towards her.

"Yes?" she says, stopping and turning towards him.

"Uh, I never gave you this," he replies, holding the snowglobe out to her. The twins and I stop our conversation, turning to focus on the two of them.

"Oh, Ron," she says in awe, taking the snowglobe in her hand. Turning it around to see the picture, her smile widens and she pulls him into a hug. "I love it."

"Oh, it's nothing, I-" Ron starts. "Yeah, um, you're welcome."

I cringe at the tension between the two of them, but smile at how cute they are. I turn back to face Fred and George to see them making fun of the two.

"Oh shut it, will you?" I whisper to them.

"Well, I'm off to bed," Hermione says to Ron.

"Happy birthday, Hermione," Ron replies, smiling the most awkward little smirk. She turns and heads up the stairs to our room and he watches her until she disappears.

"Well that was steamy," George laughs.

"Leave him alone," I scold George. "He's got more going on in his love life than you do."

"And what would you know about that?" George defends.

"Oh, please," I roll my eyes.

"Georgie, I'm sorry buddy, but your love life is deader than dead," Fred states, which makes me and Ron crack up.

"Look, I think Ava's got the most going on right now," Ron comments.

"You don't even know the half of it," I mumble.

"What's that?" Fred asks.

"What's the half we don't know?" George continues.

"Nothing," I try to cover myself, standing up and heading towards my room. "I'm just sooo tired I'm gonna head to bed, I'll see you all in the morning! Bye!"

Before they have a chance to follow or ask more questions I shut my room door behind me. Hermione has her nose in a book, reading by the light of her wand and Ginny's already fast asleep. I slip off my shoes and hop onto Hermione's bed with her.

"Good birthday?" I ask, snuggling up next to her.

"One of the best," she smiles, but she doesn't take her focus off her book.

"Wait, is this the book I got you?" I sit up, surprised at the gesture.

"Of course, you know once I get my hands on a book I haven't read yet, I can't stop," she smiles.

"Well, I hope you like it," I say through a yawn. I squeeze her tightly into a hug, then hop over to my own bed and burrow myself under the covers, falling fast asleep.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora