chapter forty-six. the city.

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tuesday, december 30.

"Here's the portkey for the apartment," Amos gestures to a teacup on the dining room table as Cedric brings my suitcase down the stairs.

"Have a great time," Jenny says, pulling me into a tight hug.

"It was great to meet you," I smile sincerely as we pull away and she returns it, squeezing my shoulders.

"And you, little bro. Don't have too much fun without me," Jenny laughs as Cedric hugs her.

"Thank you so much for everything, I'm sorry about surprising you the other night," I turn and say to Amos and Angela, bouncing my eye contact between the two.

"Not a problem dear, lovely to meet you!" Amos smiles, reaching out his arms for a hug which I graciously take.

"Be careful in Paris. Cedric, keep her safe," Angela warns the two of us and we exchange glances at his mother's odd commentary as she straightens her son's shirt.

"Love you, mom," Cedric pulls his mom into a hug, then crosses to our suitcases, picking them up and preparing himself for travel as Angela pulls me aside. I brace myself for what she might say, promising myself to not take any of it to heart.

"I'm sorry if I've been cold, dear. You have to understand, Cedric is my only child and I can't help but get protective. I was skeptical when I first met you, but you've proved me wrong." she apologizes, grasping for the right words and hesitating slightly, but getting her point across all the same. I'm taken aback by her sudden change of heart and can't help but smile. "I hope you'll accept my apology and I really hope you do come again soon. I can tell he's really in love with you."

"Thank you, that means a lot," I accept her words and she hugs me quickly before sending me back towards Cedric as she composes herself.

"Ready?" I smile up at Cedric.

"Ready," he replies, grinning down at me and we both grab the teacup.

The world around both of us spins and suddenly, Cedric's dining room disappears as we hurtle through time and space. I grow extremely dizzy and fade in and out of consciousness until I hit the wooden floor of the apartment, hard. Cedric glides down, landing softly on the floor with both suitcases in his hands, setting them down and reaching to help me up.

I take his hand, still extremely lightheaded, and use the back of the light blue suede couch to balance myself as I look around the flat. It's small with a basic kitchen on the left wall and a dining room table to the right. The entire right wall is made of windows looking out on the Parisian skyline. Next to the kitchen is the couch, where I'm currently standing, and small antenna TV. In the far opposite corner is a king sized bed with white sheets and at least 10 pillows piled on one another.

"Oh it's adorable!" I cry, making my way around the flat, running my fingers over every surface.

"I had a feeling you'd like it," Cedric smiles, carrying the suitcases towards the bed. I fall back onto the sheets, soaking in the natural light coming in from my left.

"Oh, I could lay here all day," I say, the sheets melting around me like butter as I sigh from relief of the anxiety of real life. Finally, an escape from it all with the boy I love.

"Sounds like a plan," Cedric agrees, plopping down on the bed next to me and pulling me close.

"I think this might be your best idea ever," I take a serious tone, completely sarcastic.

"Ah, yes, I'm known to have those from time to time," he plays into the joke and I break character, laughing at our stupidity. The air in the room is crisp and cold so I cast a fire into the fireplace by the TV with my wand then set it aside, curling up closer to Cedric.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now