chapter fifty-six. the dance.

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friday, february 14.

"You look incredible," Cedric observes as he takes my arm. I can't help but smile up at him, so wide my cheeks sting. The look in his eyes sends shivers down my spine and I absolutely melt in his gaze.

"You clean up nice, I guess," I shrug playfully. He reaches his arm around my waist, turning me towards the ballroom which snaps me from my sole attention on him. My friends and their dates are all surrounding us, Ginny with her arm linked in Neville's, Fred with Maggie Banks, a Hufflepuff in his year that I've never really spoken to, George with his arm around Alicia Spinnet's shoulders, Ron and Hermione standing awkwardly next to each other, and Harry all alone on the outskirts of the crowd.

I don't even care to linger my gaze on any of them for too long, enraptured by the ballroom in front of us. Red curtains and tapestries are draped about the walls and ceiling, red rose centerpieces decorate small tables with a large feast on the furthest, and longest, table. The room is solely lit by the warm glow of lanterns, only boosting the romantic air of the occasion.

Most of the girls have chosen red and pink dresses, reflecting off the sporadic golden flecks that shimmer in the air, suspended by some sort of spell.

I had only ever hear rumors about the intimate Valentine's Ball as I'd never lay eyes on the room myself. It felt pointless to attend last year when there was nobody I had to go with.

Cedric leads me to the center of the room and spins me out onto the dance floor. His right hand takes a place on my waist as his left interlaces with my right. His very touch still gives me butterflies, my face growing hot from I wrap my left arm around his shoulder and other couples fill in the rest of the floor as the orchestra starts a waltz.

"Everyone's looking at us, aren't they?" he grins gleefully. I look around, my face growing hot from the overflow of attention from the room. Most of the dancers are focused on their partners, but those surrounding the floor have their eyes trained on Cedric and I.

"Yep," I blush sheepishly, leaning my forehead into his shoulder.

"Good," he replies confidently.

"Oh, you are so full of it!" I laugh.

"Am not!"

"Are too! And this whole Tournament thing's made it even worse!"

"Bold of you."

"Speaking of, have you heard anything about the third task yet?" I ask. My nerves have gotten the best of me the last week with the task fast approaching, just like the last two. They've all been so dangerous so far, I can't imagine what their Grand Finale will be like and I so badly wish I could never find out.

"No idea," he replies, spinning me out, then quickly pulling me back in. "But don't worry yourself. I've been fine so far, first place actually. I'm going to be okay."

"Promise?" I ask as we waltz across the floor, holding up my pinky finger. He chuckles to himself, pushing a lock of hair from my face before interlocking his pinky with mine.


The music grows upbeat, almost folk-like and everyone divides into two lines, boys across from girls, as we engage in dance together. Girls curtsy as boys bow, then step forward towards one another switching places. The boys move diagonally, meeting a different partner as they spin around one another.

George is my new partner and as we circle, he kicks his foot out in an attempt to trip me, but I push him out of the way, seeing his intentions all too clearly.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now