chapter fifty-seven. the bottle.

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hi guys! so i'm only planning to make this story 60 chapters with an epilogue :/ so we're coming to a close. i know this has not been the best story, very all over the place. i'm definitely growing as an author i believe, but my i hope that my next work will be considerably better.

once i finish a dozen fallen roses, i'll ask everyone what they want to see next! i'm not sure if i'll immediately go back and edit, start working on a sequel, or start something new entirely.

not sure if any of you have already seen, but i did start an Anne with An E/Anne of Green Gables fanfiction called Kindred Spirits if any of you are interested in that as well. i'm very proud of it so far, but unfortunately i'm not sure i could say the same about this story. i started it as a joke and didn't assume it'd receive any recognition whatsoever, but now im incredibly invested and im so thankful for all of you. i hope you'll bear with me and hopefully stick around for whatever i start next.

thank you for the endless support.

without further ado... chapter fifty-seven. the bottle.

february 14.

"What are you thinking about?" Cedric asks as I stare into the distance, just over his head.

The ballroom is filled with students tucked tightly into dark gray sleeping bags, snoring softly as Madam Pomfrey shuffles from one to the next, waking them to take the love potion antidote. Most of them are exhausted from chasing around the focus of their desires for the past two hours, not to mention all of the excitement from the actual ball itself.

"I don't know honestly," I laugh.

"Wild night," Cedric agrees in a hushed whisper, so as not to attract attention from any sleeping Professors or students.

The whole occasion is getting rather boring, and I search my mind for even sb ounce of entertainment when a sudden thought dawns on me.

"Actually, I have an idea, but I'm not sure if you're gonna like it," I grin.

"Very presumptuous of you... you never know," he shrugs.

"You're a prefect, so I'm not sure if I should be including you in this..." I sigh, rolling onto my back, knowing it'll get under his skin, only pushing him to want to know more.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Hey, you have the full power to give us detention! I'm only looking out for myself here..." I jokingly defend, turning my head back to face him. He rolls his eyes, knowing what I'm trying to get at.

"You really are the worst, Rootes," he chuckles.

"And yet you love me," I smirk.

"That I do..." he sighs. "Alright, I promise. No detention."

"For anyone," I push.

"Anyone? Who's anyone? What are you thinking?"

"See Fred and George over there?" I point down the other side of the room, just past the sleeping Professor Snape.

"Do not ask me to-" he whispers.

"Get them and meet us in the girl's bathroom just around the corner."

"Yeah, but what if-"

"Lighten up, Golden Boy! What's the worst that could happen?" I argue.

"This better be worth it," he sighs, sitting up and waiting until Madam Pomfrey is occupied with a student, her back turned to Cedric before he takes off towards the twins.

A Dozen Fallen Roses // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now