A target on your back

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As they walked back the group had fallen into a companionable silence. He felt eyes on him. Reaching out he finds the woman in the group watching his arms intently. A deep curiosity and excitement wafting from her. "Need something?" He asked her as he turned his head to see her. "Why do you have a set of our bracers?" He looked down at his arms. "Oh, I forgot I was wearing them." He didn't realize that he'd smiled at the sight of them, glad he didn't lose them. "Sabine sent them a few months ago along with a note. It was written in man'doa so I couldn't read it."

"We'll be at the fortress in a few minutes." Tristan interjected in their conversation.  They all nodded. True to his words they spotted the fortress when they crested the hill. Before he fully realized how close they'd gotten Ezra realized he was up the steps.

The warmth of the fortress washed over him and he smiled. The smile, unfortunately, didn't last as the weight of the day returned to him.

He followed Tristan as he led him to the double throne that currently held both the count and countess. "Mother, father, as you see the unidentified ship was a friend in distress." Alrich nodded, Ursa, waved him over. "Master Bridger, it's a pleasant surprise to have your company. But I doubt you simply had technical difficulties. What happened?"

He lowered his head for a moment. "Thrawn wiped us out. Maybe four others survived the attack, but I don't have a clue where they went." Alrich lowered his head, Ursa shook hers. "Did your Master or the other members of your crew survive?" She asked quietly. "No countess, I doubt I even know the other four or five people who got out."

Alrich suddenly rose from his seat at Ursa's side. "This is indeed a horrible tragedy. I invite you to stay here with us for as long as you'd like." He took a breath, and for a moment he held a look of deep thought. "Tristan will show you to your chambers." His head pivoted and he looked to Tristan. "Tristan, he is to rest in our spare room in our private hall." Ezra felt the slight shift in several aurae's to uncertainty while others held deep respect and understanding.

He shook his head with a sigh. Deciding the Mandalorian's were being too weird today and he had no want to wait for them to be more upfront. Quickly holding up his hand to stop Alrich from continuing. "Count, I've had a day I wouldn't wish on most. In my brief time here and the time it took Tristan, his team, and me to walk here I've noticed somethings up." Alrich's eyes widened and he felt the room's general attitude shift again. "Apparently these bracers have a deeper meaning than I know and most of us here find your idea to give me a room in your hallway halfway scandalous. I want to know why."

He waited for a moment. Realizing that he wasn't going to get an answer from the happily smiling man he turned to Tristan. "Take me to my room." Tristan turned to take him when Alrich piped up again. "Master Bridger, come morning, and when you are rested and Sabine is awake we'll resume this conversation in private." He glared at Alrich for a moment, not pleased with the older man. "If you think I'm sleeping tonight you think I'm way more carefree than I am."

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