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Driving the speeder slowly as Ursa scanned the surrounding area Alrich took in the desolate climate of Krownest along with the decimated areas they were traveling through. "How close are we, Ursa?" She hummed for a second, double-checking the scanner. "Only a few minutes at this speed. It seemed Ander and Land found him. At least judging from the sensors readings."

Alrich looked out across the plains of krownest. "Look there Ursa, the front half of Sabine's ship." He slowed down as they rode past. "Alrich, stop the speeder." He turned to face her. "What is it, Ursa?" She moved the scanner towards him so he could see it. "You picked up his armor's tracker."

"Let's call Ander and Land, see what they found. We'll see what's left of master Bridger." Ursa dialed the two up, faster then they thought Land answered the call. "Countess, excellent timing, Captain Ander and I have found Lord Tristan, he's been wounded but he's alive." She looked to Alrich only to find him trying not to cry. "Alrich, dear, it'll be alright, our boys alive."

The faint blue light emanating from the bacta tank illuminated the imperial medical bay."As you can see, Lady Wren, the nineteenth brother's purge troopers found and captured Ezra Bridger. He was rather lucky actually. If he were captured by any other troopers they would have killed him." She pulled away from the tank and faced Thrawn.

"Will he survive Thrawn?" Ephraim asked as he stepped in front of him. Thrawn, for a moment, only seemed surprised for a second before responding. "Yes, although he will need several cybernetic enhancements. The right arm, being for most. That is, unless that is against the wishes of Lord Vader."

Ephraim sighed, not looking away from Thrawn. "Lord Vader has given me, a special... authority over these two, and their safekeeping." Thrawn sighed at the news. "As Lord Vader demands. What is your command?" Ephraim almost let the smile slip as Thrawn accepted the lie at face value. "Pull him from the tank, attach a new arm, and send him to Lady Wren's room for further rest. I will come to them later."

He then turned to face Sabine. "Follow me, I'll show you to your room." Sabine followed him wordlessly as he guided her through the star destroyer and to her room. As they stepped inside Ephraim shut the door. "Don't think this changes anything. If anything, it makes it easier. I doubt Ezra wants to live on this frozen wasteland. Besides, I'm certain he'll agree with me about wanting his child to grow up anywhere else."

She glared at him, taking offense at Ephraim's distaste of her homeworld. "I doubt Ezra would want to go back to Lothal. The world he suffered on for so long." He simply shrugged. "Even if he did want to go back. There's nothing left there anyway." She folded her arms glaring at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You hadn't heard the news? The rebellion had gone full swing on Lothal, so much so that the empire had to crackdown. They used a new weapon and glassed the planet. There's nothing left. And now, thanks to your clans and the house Vizla's efforts, Krownest will be receiving the same treatment next month."

She felt her eyes go wide at the news. "That's what he felt." Ephraim tilted his head to the side. "What, he had a vision or something? That's kinda surprising for a kid of his age." He hummed to himself as he thought about it. "Well, maybe not so surprising. He will be a father soon."

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