Stagnant in failure

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Pushing Sabine behind him Ezra stepped forward. "I'll give you one chance old man! Leave now and I'll forget we ever met!" Ephraim fumed at his son as he walked past the center of the room. Getting closer and closer to him. "Too little too late boy!"

To Sabine, it seemed like Ephriam teleported in front of Ezra only to be thrown back. "Sabine, get a pod ready!"

With that said, Ezra heard her run off towards the pods. He hoped he could find them in a few minutes. "Fools! The whole lot of you!" Ephraim yelled as he rushed him again attacking with wild abandon. Forcing Ezra to bob and weave around the deadly weapon. After a moment Ephraim outpaced himself forcing him into a hunched-over position and leaving him with crossed feet.

Seeing his chance Ezra punched him in the back of the head. Falling onto his knees Ezra picked him up and threw him across the now burning room with the force. Taking a second to look around he finds the back of the room is melting down. The metal glowing and pulsing with heat. Not a moment after he saw the melting superstructure did the ship's alarm blare to life, telling them to abandon ship due to severe structural damage and a hull breach.

"Enough! Ignorant child! Do you even realize what all this fighting will get you!?" Ephraim yelled as he worked himself back onto his feet. Ezra didn't say anything, just watched him. "The only thing you'll achieve by doing all this is getting Vader's attention. You can't beat him, no one can!" Ezra nodded, knowing his odds against the Dark Lord. "I never said I could."

After a moment they re-engaged each other. Again, Ephraim attacked with a ferocious flurry of attacks with the lightsaber. Ezra dodged every attack, looking for an opening in Ephraim's guard. On a surprising backswing, Ephraim nicked Ezra's stomach. Stepping back on reflex only got him another backswing, this time to the face. A long slash, from the front of his right ear to the middle of his nose.

Ephraim spun around ready to attack again. Only to find Ezra stumbling back clutching his face. The ship groaned as more burning hyperdrive fluid melted down the superstructure. Looking up at the loud sound Ephraim was thrown back several yards by Ezra as the girder fell. Breaking through the floor it splashed more of the burning fluid around the area.

Ephraim moved to jump only to be thrown him back onto the ground. Ezra turned to run when Ephraim yelled out to him. "Get back here! Finish this!" Stopping, he took a breath and ran on, ignoring his father as more of the support structure fell. Blocking the two from the other. The ship was falling in on itself.

"You little coward! Get back here! Finish this! I'll find you! I'll find Sabine!" His run turned into a full sprint as he realized the ship was quite literally burning from the inside out. He needed to get to the pods.

Entering the hall he joins up with a group of Imperials making their way for the pods. He watched the group, hoping they wouldn't notice he was supposed to be shot on sight. Reaching out with the force the amount of anxiety, fear, and concern he felt was nearly overwhelming. But, through the tidal wave of emotions, he felt three resonate with him.

One, he knew it had to be his father. As far as he could tell Ephraim was making his way toward the starboard hangar. The other two almost seemed to be one. Similar but not quite the same. The larger, more refined, more feeling of the two he knew was Sabine.

Focusing on her presence he used the force to run faster. Moving with supernatural speed he zipped down the hall. Getting within a few feet of the pod within seconds. He hit the button to open the door and found Sabine strapped into a seat, E-eleven blaster rifle in hand. "Ezra, you made it!"

He nodded as he entered the pod, shut the door, and launched the pod. "Course I did Bean." He said as he moved to take a seat next to her and strapped himself in. "So where you'd program this thing to land?" She took his hand as she looked up at him. "I've got it set to take us straight to the clan Wren hangar. It's already broadcasting the right security codes." He smiled at how easy she makes all this feel. "Let's head home."

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