A day of rest

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  He stretched out under the covers and yawned loudly. He slowly moved his arms back to his side. He couldn't help the smile that crept up across his face as his hand glided across Sabine's back. Smiling at the feel he shifted closer to her, moving his arms around her small waist he smiled, he tilted his head closer to hers, happy to be so close.

"Ez, it's too early to do it again." He smiled at her half-awake mutterings. "But Sabine, you really get me going." He said quietly as he moved his arm around to rub her butt. She hummed as he felt her up, shifting from her butt to her legs and back up to her chest. She rolled over and kissed him, touching him as he did her. Moving her hands down from his chest to his groin they both hummed at the contact. Pulling apart, Sabine took a breath. "Is this how our mornings will be? All hot and steamy?" He smiled in that mischievous way he only did when they did lewd things together. "Yeah, Bean, just like this." He said quietly as he rolled on top of her.

"Father, there's an excessive amount of activity around the ruins of the destroyer. The Imperials must be looking for something or someone." Alrich hummed as he scratched his goatee. "That's not a good sign. The Imperials don't often comb-over wreckage." Tristan nodded, believing his father's assessment. "How about this, we go and see what the imperial's are looking for. A little recon, fresh air, and some good old fashioned father-son bonding." Tristan nodded, always happy to see his father's more active side come out. "Sounds nice. When will you be ready?" Alrich rose from his half of the throne, leaving it empty. "No more than an hour."

Tristan sat in the family's private dining room, awaiting his father. Hearing the door open he looked up only to be met with his mother, not his father. "Hello, mother." She smiled, happy to see her boy happy. Sitting down at the table she couldn't help but look at his arm. 

"It's fine mother. Doesn't even hurt." He said as he raised his arm and knocked on the table. Ursa just sighed. Not liking seeing her youngest not whole. "It's fine, if anything, it's quite the improvement. Built-in repulsor, magnetic hand, and a literal finger gun. Nothing I'm not happy about. Yeah, it's kinda weird to not feel hot or cold anymore. But nothing I'm concerned with."

Again she sighed, still concerned about the condition of her son. "So got any idea about how Sabine and Ezra have been?" At the question, she not just sighed but rubbed her temples.

"Apparently, from your report and corresponding reports from guardsmen, the inquisitor that came here was invited inside being mistaken for Ezra and brazenly kidnapped her. Apparently, he is, or was, Ezra's father. He fought him on board the star destroyer as it melted down. As far as we know he's dead, Ezra said it's not likely, but still, he said he likely ran off so just be careful, he might not have."

"So what are you and your father up to? He doesn't put that armor on for nothing." Tristan nodded, once again forgotten not much gets past his mother's watchful eye. "We'll be leaving soon. Doing some light recon, seeing what the imperial's are up to." She nodded at their plans. "Fine. Just be mindful of your father, his back... you know."

He nodded as he got up and made way for the door. "I know mother, how about you go gush with Sabine about baby things, that seems to always make you happy." He said with a cheeky smile as he slinked through the door. Ursa sighed, watching her son frolic away from her, thinking he'd gotten away with something. Rising from her chair she smiled. "Well, he's not wrong."

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