A family man

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Ezra stood there, watching the mock battle unfold. Hands clasped behind his back. The two children fought intensely. The girl, nothing more than a blur of movement as she whipped around the boy. The boy, stood firm, unmoving. Blocking any attack she threw his way. Using a move he only recently learned he deflected high. She stumbled, knocked off balance by the attack. Taking this chance he kicked her in the chest. Winding her as well as sending her to the floor. Stepping onto her chest he held the wood stick to her neck. "I have won. Concede."

His tone was low but sure. He smiled at his son's victory. Alor didn't speak often, preferring to be quiet as he reads in secluded places. But when he spoke he meant every word.

Sabine huffed at his side, arms crossed. "She nearly had him. Next time." He smiled, happy that lightsaber training gets to be a family activity. "She's too aggressive. She leaves her self to open, thinking two lightsabers are a good enough defense." Sabine huffed, still upset her daughter can't contend with her son. "If it makes you feel better Bean, he still can't hit the broadside of a destroyer." She smirked as she looked up at him. "Like his father before him."

He shook his head, a smile on his face. "So, how long did you think you can keep a secret from me?" She asked, her tone low, her eyes piercing him. "A secret? I haven't kept a secret from you since I was fifteen." She glared at him. "Then whys your datapad locked. Why are you constantly writing on it?" He nodded, understanding her concern now.

"Obviously you remember those first few months I spent here. I've been asking around. Talking to the clansmen, Ursa too. A while back I had an idea to turn the whole thing into a story." She quirked a brow at him, surprised by the answer. "You want that to be an epic?" He sighed and ran his human hand through his hair. "I wouldn't call it an epic. I just don't like how it sounds. But yeah, that's what it'd be. At first, I was going to make it a song. But then I concluded I can't make a rhyme worth a damn so I chose to make a story out of it."

She let out a small laugh. "I could have told you that, love. I still remember our third anniversary." He groaned when she brought that up. "Why bring that up. Let it ly already." She laughed at his now years' old misery. "But that wouldn't be fun. So where is it? Can't let you change around all the important bits. You'd take all the credit while I was here, swooning."

Pulling the datapad from his cloak's pocket he handed it to her. "The last chapter just got finished. Give that a read first." She nodded and pulled up the chapter.

He stood there in front of the deactivated terminals. The room, matching the rest of the outpost was in low power mode. "Mhm, how to get to the fortress? Maybe if I smash enough of the terminals they'd send someone to see what's up?" He nodded, accepting he'll just have to hear Sabine go on a tirade later. Reaching throughout the room he latched on to the many terminals. Preparing to crush them. A moment before he was going to crush them the terminals switched on in a flurry of humming fans and startup tones. "Huh, even terminals don't want to do die."

Releasing the numerous terminals he began looking them over. "Let's see... go on, tell me they left a speeder." Hummed to himself as he scrolled through the facility's inventory. "A-Ah! A shuttle! Finally, it's starting to go my way." He smiled to himself as he walked through the doorway. Striding down the hall he opened the turbo lift's door. He settled in against the lift's wall. As the lift made its way to the ground floor he sighed. "I'm gonna have a stroke when I let myself feel this. Maybe I'll have them pump me full of painkillers. Worked pretty good for the old man."

The lift dinged as the door opened up. Striding out the door he smiled at the sight of the shuttle. "Finally, I can fly and not trudge through arctic tundra." Opening the shuttle's door when he got close he sauntered in and began prepping the shuttle. "I'm gonna kill the shit out of someone if I get shot out of the sky." He grumbled as he flew the shuttle out of the bay towards the fortress.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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