Suprising ease

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  Looking out across the frozen lake Ephraim observed the fortress. "Damn Thrawn, coming here, rushing my plans. That blue sonofabitch, ugh, pains in my ass." Pulling his cloak closer to himself he began the walk towards the fortress.

"Well, this doesn't look good now does it." Alrich said as they entered the now abandoned outpost. "Be quiet." Ursa hissed at him. Not wanting to risk drawing the attention of what wiped out the garrison.

Walking down another deserted hall the duo got more and more concerned about the lack of bodies. "This isn't normal, where is everyone. Any ideas Ursa?" She shook her head. Not so sure herself. "We should make our way to the command center. From there, we should be able to get into the computer unless it's been tampered with." Turning down another hall they were met with a mutilated turbo lift.

Examining the lift Alrich grew more and more concerned. "I don't like this, Ursa. Something pulled the lift down while it was in motion. Then, well, it looks like someone took a lightsaber to it."

He huffed as he looked at the front of the fortress. Two guards were watching the door. Walking up to them they rushed up to him. "Lord Ezra, your alive! Come inside quickly!" The frontman turned from him and told the second to get Sabine immediately. As the man escorted him around the fortress he garnered looks of surprise and cheers from the clan. Following him through what looked like a bedroom door he saw Sabine sitting at a desk, headphones on as she worked on what looked like some kind of defensive strategies on a map.

The man pivoted on foot as he left him alone with sabine. "Well... this was, easier than I was expecting." Reaching out with the force be plucked the headphones from her head. "Hey!" She yelled as she whipped around to face him. For a second, her eyes widened but narrowed at him even faster. "You're not Ezra." He nodded, not moving closer.

"That's true, once, my name was Ephraim Bridger. I assume Ezra told you my name. I found out recently that he was alive here on Krownest. And died, a day or so ago. Your brother, Tristan told me he killed several inquisitors. And that, you." He took a breath as he pointed at her. "Are pregnant, obviously, with his child. That makes it my grandchild." She took a step back towards the desk, hoping to get to her blaster or com.

"Don't be foolish. I've already locked the door. I can feel that you don't want to risk fighting." Her newfound glare held firm at him. "Not because you think you can't take me. Your confidence in yourself is rather brazen. But for fear for the child." She slouched, knowing she'd been had with almost no effort. "Okay, so, you're going to kidnap me, right?" He nodded, holding his hands behind his back like a lot of imperial officers do.

"That is right. Now, get dressed. I'd rather not fight my way out of here. And I'm sure you'd rather I didn't hurt your clan." She nodded as she gathered clothes and made way for the bathroom. Ephraim looked around the room, taking in the art on the walls, her armor, most of her furniture. "Very... free-flowing."

He took a seat as he waited for her to emerge from the bathroom. Feeling that sense of confusion from the force again he tried to focus on it. Before he could pinpoint it, it shifted to anger. It didn't last long before a new feeling overtook him. The feeling was washed away as it waned and turned into what he felt was a deep sleep. "Mhm, maybe the sister did survive."

He turned in his seat when the bathroom door opened. "Are you ready?" She nodded as she hefted her duffel bag onto her shoulder. "As I'll ever be. Let's get going, we'll take my new ship." He nodded as he rose from the chair and they made way for the hangar.

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