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Alrich hotwired the door to the command room as Ursa did a quick sweep only to be stopped by the sight of half a dozen butcherd Wren warriors. "Mand'a, this is a right mess." Moving past her Alrich made his way towards the main computer. "At last none of them are Tristan, Ursa."

With Alrich at the computer, Ursa looked around the room, making sure they aren't overlooking a survivor. Looking several bodies over she found some had been crushed to death while others had been blasted. "I don't like this." She muttered to herself.

"Ursa, I've sifted through the recordings here. An inquisitor tore through here. I don't know who he was looking for but it's unsettling, to say the least." She walked over to him looked at the choppy recording. "Whys the quality so poor?" He just pointed to an out of the way lightsaber slash on the side of the computer. "Oh, well that explains it."

"Aside from deducing that the inquisitor is looking for someone I've also found that Tristan wasn't even here. He was investigating unmarked attacks on the imperials. Two others, Tristan's friends Ander and Land. They were ou on standard patrols when the inquisitor showed up. About two hours after he left they called in to report. After two more hours, they came back to see what's wrong. Finding it like this, they set off to find Tristan. We can use the tech they took to track Tristan and their armor markers to find them, and hopefully Tristan with them."

Ursa nodded as they stepped away from the console and left the derelict outpost.

Landing the ship in the destroyer's hanger he motioned for Sabine to follow him. As the two exited the ship they were met with a unit of pure troopers. "Inquisitor, you have a prisoner, how surprising." Thrawn said as he emerged from a hanger door. Ephraim nodded at him as he approached. "Grand admiral. I take it you know who she is." Thrawn nodded, looking Sabine in the eye. "Hello, lady Wren. I have to admit. I am very surprised that you seem to have come here willingly, especially after the fate of Tristan."

Taking a breath Ephriam stepped forward and stood in-between her and Thrawn. "She has been found to be of great importance to the inquisition. She will be treated as such. No prison cells, understand admiral?" Thrawn nodded as he stepped forward, getting closer to Sabine. "Lady Wren, just a few moments before your arrival a prisoner was dropped off here and was immediately sent to the med bay. Due to, extensive bodily harm. I believe you should see him."

She didn't ask any questions as she followed Thrawn with Ephraim right behind her. He walked up beside her, seemingly to keep her from trying anything. As the trio entered the med bay they were met with a mostly dark room. The only light coming from the bacta tank on the far side. Ephraim jerked his head up as he felt a tidal wave of emotions from Sabine as she darted across the room. "Ezra!"

She nearly drove her head into the glass, she didn't seem to mind. To caught up in seeing Ezra as alive as he could be. "Where did you find him?" Thrawn stepped forward, looking at Ezra through the glass. "The scouts found him terrorizing a group of engineers preparing for the invasion. He was passed out on the ground, overexertion had gotten the best of him. Applying a sedative to keep him asleep they then brought him here. And now, the nineteenth brother brought you here, a happy coincidence I'd say."

Sabine just nodded. Feeling more relieved than she ever had while in imperial territory.

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