|83| ~Deadly Poison~

Start from the beginning

No better yet, I look like hell!

"Queen, Embry!," suddenly calls out some big vampire that I've never seen before. "Offical Gutter orders. You have to come with me,"

My head peaks up at the mention of Gutter Butter's name. "Where is he?" I demand to know while I attempt to regain my composure.

"He this way," says the unknown vampire in a rush before he begins to run in the other direction.

We rush through the tunnel at record speed and neither one of us decides to slow down when the sound of more explosions begins to go off overtop of our head. Speck has already explained to me that these tunnels are protected by some very powerful magic, thanks to one of Aunt Katherine's good friends.

It was a gift to ensure the safety of Aunt Katherine just in case she ends up in a sticky situation because of her nephew's actions, nothing or no one can get in here without knowing the magic word. I know it sounds cliche but it's true and only a select few have been trusted with that critical information, or even know about the existence of these tunnels for that matter.

What goes on in the red house doesn't affect the tunnels. It's a magical bunker and once you're inside you can see whatever is happening above your head, so you can prepare. That's how I was able to view the damage from the red house once I stepped inside of here but there's more to it than just that.

The story surrounding the tunnels suggests that they were built as an escape route for the past human presidents that use to live here way before my time. What most people aren't aware of is the fact that one of Cyrus's ancestors constructed this entire passage. That's why it was so easy for the vampire kings to get inside of the once White House during the Luna passing day and that is also the only reason why Aunt Katherine's good friend requested to magically conceal this area.

Now, that I think about our current circumstances it almost feels like Aunt Katherine's good friend knew that she would need a protected area one day possible but then again when you think about who her nephew is it all makes perfect sense. Any good friend would suggest an escape route and we should all be grateful that she did.

Either way, it's a good thing that no one but Aunt Katherine's most trusted advisers is aware that these tunnels actually exist.

"They're all inside of here," says the vampire as we approach a steel door. "You've got to place your hand on the door for it to open, Queen." He instructs."I've got to go search for any more survivors," are his last words before he's gone.

I follow his instructions by placing my hands on the door only to feel this sudden vibration begin to travel throughout my body and then by the time I remove my hand I find myself standing in an overly crowded room.

Survivors are everywhere, attempting to recover. The vampire men who were once jazzy dressed in their light-covered tuxedoes and super sophisticated soft pastel gown-wearing vampire women are all now drenched in blood. Just from one look at them, you can tell that this was a ball of hell. There are also vampire physicians everywhere, attempting to tend to as many as possible wounds while also attempting to heal themselves. There are royal vampire soldiers here as well, who look ten times worst than all.

This is a nightmare, a bloody mess. The sight alone reminds me of one of those Goddess awful human end of the World rerun series that Ruq use to watch.

Ruq, my big brother! Oh, Goddess, he's close. He's coming. He's coming and wants to kill them all. How ironic is it that the person who used to save me from a monster in my nightmares is one of the monsters in all of these innocent people living nightmares?

"Em, Gem! Thank the Blood God that you're okay. Come quick," Specks says knocking away my current train of thought. My cousin is right behind her, appearing to look extremely awkward. "Sorry about leaving you but we had to bring everyone the cure," I quickly glance at just how many people are actually here.

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