I would stand up and kick the motherfucker where the sun doesn't shine, but I was fUCKING UNABLE TO DO SHIT. Rui, I love you, but why did you inject your blood into me—

Ok now this half n half Todoroki ass lookin bitch's nickname will be Piss Baby— I bet no one likes him.

Luckily, Tanjiro stood up for the poor demon in my place. "Of course, he is a demon who has eaten hundreds of people and killed the mercilessly, and I wouldn't hesitate to cut their heads off. But they are such pitiable beings. I would never go as far as to step on their clothes after they die. Even demons were once human. The same human as I am. So please, move your feet."

Piss Baby stared at him, and his eyes trailed down onto Nezuko's sleeping form.

He was about to finish his sentence, but another person lept at us at inhuman speed, interrupting his sentence as he deflected the stranger's attack.

"Hm? Why are you getting in my way, Tomioka-san?" A petite woman with a butterfly haori asked, landing not too far away.

'.....holy shit she's beautiful please stab me with your fabulous sword.' Were my only thoughts as I stared at her features. 'FUCK NO I MUST REMAIN LOYAL TO TAMAYO-SAN—'

"Although you said that it's impossible to befriend demons, you seem to be doing to opposite of what you said!" She smiled, "You know, that's why no one likes you~"

"....I am not disliked by everyone." Piss Baby bluntly said.

"I—" I finished my sentence for once, "I KNEW NO ONE LIKED YOU!! YOU LOOKE LIKE THAT TYPE OF PERSO—" Nevermind, I didn't finish my sentence—another fit of coughing forced its way out of my mouth

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"I—" I finished my sentence for once, "I KNEW NO ONE LIKED YOU!! YOU LOOKE LIKE THAT TYPE OF PERSO—" Nevermind, I didn't finish my sentence—another fit of coughing forced its way out of my mouth.

"Oh my, I apologize," she gave a sickly sweet smile, "I didn't know you were in denial."

'—like how Trump is in denial of his loss—' I wheezed, wiping the blood off of my lips with my sleeve.

"Hey, the little boy behind Tomioka-san," she said.

"A-ah, yes?" Tanjiro stammered.

"That thing you're protecting is a demon~" she hummed, "and you're little friend right there is most likely going to turn into a demon any moment now, so I recommend you move away from her."

The butterfly girl(shit we need a nickname—)'s words irritated me. But of course I can't reply to her or else I'll start coughing out blood again 😀.

"T-this is my dear sister!'" Tanjiro exclaimed. "A-and—!"

"Oh my, is that true?" She gave him a sad expression, "well, then ill make sure that her death will be quick!"

Tanjiro and I were fucking speechless.

"...can you move?" Piss Baby asked us, not bothering to turn his head.

"Absolutely fucking not." I said, my voice raspy.
"I can." Tanjiro replied.

"I need you three to run." Piss Baby said. "Carry your friend and sister and run."

'.....well shit I'm useless as fuck.' I thought, degrading myself even more.

"T-THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!" Tanjiro yelled, carrying me and Nezuko like potato sacks over his shoulders.

"Tanjiro just leave me behind and run with your sister..." I said, coughing a bit more.

"No! You're my dear friend!" He denied, "and this might not be a great time to say this but I l-"

I guess finishing sentences is illegal now because ONCE AGAIN did someone interrupt his sentence and jump onto his back.

I made eye contact with the girl who seemed to be me and Tanjiro's age, and emotionless.

She swung her sword at Nezuko to cut it off, but Tanjiro grabbed onto her haori to throw her backwards.

"NEZUKO! RUN! (Y/N), MAKE SURE YOU GET AWA—" The girl(mORE NICKNAMES?!)kicked his head into the ground, probably knocking him unconscious.

Luckily(?) the girl focused her attention to Nezuko more, sensing that I wasn't a demon(yet?).

'Ah fuck.' I thought, my vision blurring once again. 'Ahahaha my strength do be going ✨🤌💅peace out🏃‍♀️💨✨'

I decided to just accept my fate of being pitifully weak and black out ✨



My hands are in pain pLz 🤡



Sorry for the late uptake— I've been busy ahaha(that's a lie)(I've just been to lazy)(yo my teacher let my class 'touch' nitrogen and omg it was amazing—)

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