Chapter six~ Owen

Start from the beginning


We finished around six. Which was convenient because her mom texted her saying dinner was ready about five minutes later.

" I made chicken piccata. I hope that's fine." Esme said, setting the pot on the table.

"This is great mom, thanks you." Hollis said smiling.

"Yeah, thank you. It smells amazing." I said, scooping up some pasta and putting some on my plate.

" Owen, pass the bread?" Brooklyn asked me.

I looked down and saw the bread next to me. I picked it up and passed it to her.

"Here ya go." I said

She didn't reply, just grabbed it and went back to her food. I looked over at Hollis and she just shrugged. I decided to let it go.

Lynleigh clearly noticed the awkward tension. 

"So Owen, how long have you lived down here." Lynleigh asked.

"Oh my whole life pretty much. My mom moved here from Washington as well and then met my dad. So here I am." I replied, taking another bite of my food.

"Nice." Lynleigh replied.

"We'll have to meet your mother sometime. Have a big dinner and bond over Washington." Esme said.

"Yeah, for sure. Sounds fun." Hollis replied before I could.

" This is really good m- esme." I said, breaking the silence.

"Thank you."

I finished my food quickly and so did Hollis.

"Mom can we be excused." Hollis asked getting up.

"Yeah, just put your plates in the sink."

Hollis nodded.

We got up and I picked up both our plates and followed Hollis in the kitchen.

"Sorry. That was hella awkward." Hollis said, taking the dishes out of my hand and placed them in the sink.

"Its fine, Hollis. Don't worry about it." I said leaning against the counter.

"And I don't know what Brooklyn's issue was, like she has literally never met you." She went on.

I grabbed Hollis' shoulder shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Hollis, dinner was perfect. Stop stressing yourself out."

She broke our eye contact and looked away. She stepped back and turned to the dishes again.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Your'e right. Never mind." She said.

All I could think was who hurt this girl so damn much. She over thought everything and blamed everything bad on herself. She really couldn't see how truly amazing she was. I decided to change the subject.

"Excited for the game on Friday?" 

"Mhm for sure. Excited to see the new cheer routine?" She asked

"Very. Also, I hereby dedicate my first touchdown to the one and only Hollis Farah Green." I said with a smile.

Hollis laughed, " What an honor."

"Hey, what can I call you? Like as a nickname. Hollis seems too formal, like all the teachers call you Hollis. And I for sure would hope we're closer than that." I asked her.

"Um, my family calls me Holli, Holls, Lis. You decide." She responded.

" I'll think about it. I need something original, ya know with a touch of Windess on it." I joked.

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