21 {The Final Match}

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"THIS IS BLOODY embarrassing

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"THIS IS BLOODY embarrassing..." James mumbled under his breath. 

"My dad's beaming! He's so excited about Mr. Harry it's adorable." Alice giggled, and just so Professor Longbottom seemed to be glowing as Harry Potter sat next to him waving to the students of Hogwarts as he was just introduced as the new Defense Against Dark Arts professor by Headmistress McGonagall.

"It's Professor Potter, now." Hugo snickered, enjoying James's discomfort. 

"Well, hopefully, Uncle Harry will go easier on us than McGonagall..." Roxanne stabbed at her chocolate chip pancakes. "Still not over the P she gave me on my report on Red Caps..."

"Well," James smirked, quickly going back into a good mood as his classmates around him finally stopped clapping for the new Professor Potter, "if you would've studied as hard as Rose is right now, maybe you'd have gotten an O."

Roxanne rolled her eyes and pushed her pancakes away, "Shove off."

The four looked at the curly-haired red-head beside them whose head was hidden behind a multitude of books and parchment paper. Rose's face had smudges of ink on her face from her quill and Roxanne couldn't help but feel a little discomforted from the look in Rose's eyes. 

"You doing alright their cuz?" 

Rose mumbled something as she furiously annotated her The Standard  Book of Spells. The OWLs were coming and Rose was very behind on all her assignments, papers, and needed to make up a lot of study time. Right now, the only time she had to think about the Morgana situation was to curse Morgana for not leaving her alone during the most crucial part of her Hogwarts career. She would've loved it if Morgana would've waited until she finished her OWLs to show up and cause mayhem. 

"I think we've lost her..." Hugo sighed and started to fake cry and dab his eyes with a napkin. "Th-the books... the books got her!"

Rose shot a furious look at her little brother. "Want to help me?"

Hugo gulped, "Nah, looks like you got it together." 

"You going to be ready for the last Quidditch match this weekend?" Alice asked. 

Rose sighed, her attention now back on her books. "Not sure I will be attending this match."

"WHAT?" A goblet of pumpkin juice fell on the table, spilling on Alice's and Roxanne's plate of food. ("JAMES!"). "Not attending? Bloody likely Rose, you are on the team. You committed. You're playing."

"James... I have so much to do I don't have time for practice nor a game." 

"You tried out for the team. You accepted the position. We almost lost the last game because of you -"

"James..." Roxanne warned. 

"You have a responsibility to your teammates to see this to the end! You're playing -"

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