14 {The Nightmare}

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EVERYONE LOOKED AT Rose now as if she was a ticking time bond of pure insanity

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EVERYONE LOOKED AT Rose now as if she was a ticking time bond of pure insanity. No one knew why Rose flew away from the Quidditch pitch and off her broom. It looked like, to a lot of people, as a suicide attempt.

"Rose!" screamed Alice and tackled her friend in a bone-crushing hug.

After Rose had revealed everything to her family in the Hospital Wing, she decided to stay there for the rest of the day. Eloise got her some books from the library to read. Madame Pomfrey got some soup from the kitchen to warm her up. Albus and Scorpius went to Hogsmeade to pick her up some hot chocolate with the peppermint whipped cream Madame Rosmerta made that she loved so much. The peppermint flavoring made frost come out of her ears. Ron and Hermione stayed for a bit to talk to her daughter about the mundane things happening at home.

They sent out for Hugo and once he got to the Hospital Wing her little brother instantly climbed into bed with her and gave her a giant hug. They filled Hugo in with what Rose had been going through and while they talked, more so Hermione, as Rose was too exhausted mentally to retell it, Hugo held onto his sister. Although Hugo was two years younger than Rose, at this moment, he felt like a protective older brother.

Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny took Albus, Scorpius, Lily, and James to dinner at The Three Broomsticks where they let Lily and James into what was happening. As soon as they were done dinner, they came back to the Hospital Wing so Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny could say goodbye to everyone. James began apologizing to Rose profusely on how he had been treating her.

"I'm so sorry Rose," James said, climbing into the bed where she and Hugo were and was hugging the other side of her. "I thought we were losing you, but it just turns out you were losing it seeing ghosts and everything-"

"James!" Lily yelled at her older brother as she too climbed onto the Hospital bed but kept near the feet as both Hugo and James had the top half occupied.

"What?" James said defensively. "Am I wrong?"

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny left that night but not before making sure Rose understood to report back to them of any more happenings. Guiltily, Rose agreed.

Although Rose knew it was important for them to know, to know everything because it had helped. It made her feel less alone, less crazy, more in-tune to this all actually happening.  She had gotten a protective gem out of it and a better understanding of what her Uncle Harry had been going through with his experience with the Veil. Not just the voices or how he got the gem, but what he witnessed when the archway broke.

"What was it like?" She asked before her Uncle left for home. "The Veil's archway when it broke. What did you see?"

He carefully shrugged his shoulders and recounted the memory, "It was just as you would think. When I and the other Aurors arrived at the scene we saw the souls escaping, but they were going so fast I couldn't make out any images of who the souls belonged to. The perpetrators had already escaped. We watched them leave but with the souls all around us, we couldn't make out faces and were unable to get to them. Ravana, though, we saw. Some of the souls coming out of the Veil had gone into him. He absorbed them but... he couldn't take them all and in the blink of an eye, he had vanished. At that moment we knew he held a part of the Veil in him and had escaped with it.

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