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THE GRANGER-WEASLEY family loved the mornings

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THE GRANGER-WEASLEY family loved the mornings. All, except for Ronald, but after having two children that were conditioned to be morning lovers like their mother, Hermione, Ron began to love them as well. What helped Ron become a morning person was the aroma of sizzling bacon being cooked, wafting from the kitchen into his room, and the sound of the kettle whistling. Right as the whistle came, he could count exactly five seconds until his children would come running in and jump on his bed. He did not mind at all being waken up early when he heard the giggles of his children and the sound of Hermione announcing breakfast was done.

Ron, now in a giggly state just as his children, would pick up his six-year-old daughter and four-year-old son and run down the stairs. Each time, giving Hermione a heart attack just imagining that one day the three would trip and fall. Before Hermione could yell at him, he sat the children down on chairs and planted a kiss on his wife's lips.

The giggles that started with the kids, jumped into Ron, were now kissed into Hermione.

The happy morning family sat down all together and helped Hermione with the daily crossword provided by the Daily Prophet. Hugo was the most excited when he got a word right, which more often than not was whispered into his ear by his big sister, Rose. It was obvious Rose got her mother's intelligence, but she also got her father's kindness. Hugo got his father's goofy mind and his mother's determination. They both sported their father's ginger hair but had their mother's warm brown eyes. Hugo loved how puffy his hair could be and Rose often compared him to a cheese curl.

It was mornings like these that young Rose loved the most about her family. The way after breakfast, she and Hugo would go in the garden and chase after the kittens on their mini broomsticks while their Dad would begin working on the garden. Their mum, if it were warm enough, would come out and do her work on the outdoor table. She often took breaks running after her children on the brooms that only flew a few feet above the ground and listen to her husband complain about the weeds in the garden: "I pull them out every day it seems. They just keep coming back! Even when I use the bloody spell Mum gave me, they just keep popping up."

Lunchtime, the family would walk out to their town's main street and go to their favorite sandwich shop. Often these trips prompted a meeting with members of their extended family. Most of the time, it was Harry, Ginny, and their children James, Albus, and Lily. When these two families met for lunch, it was often that the Potter children would want to come over to the Granger-Weasley's house, or vice-versa, to continue playing with their cousins. Each time the parents ended up giving in. Ron and Ginny coming from a huge family loved it when their nieces and nephews would fill up their house even more. Harry and Hermione who were both in smaller families enjoyed the fullness and craziness they never got in their childhood.

After lunch, to whichever house they went to, a mini Quidditch game would be played out in the backyard. James would often be the one teaching the others as he was the most passionate about the game, and often got tips from Teddy, who he and everyone else considered an older brother. Rose and James would be team captains since they were the oldest. Albus always fought this since he and Rose were only a month apart, but, "a month is a month and Rose is older," James would always say leaving Albus silent but puffing.

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