2 {The First Sighting}

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ROSE WAS RIGHT. The first day of Prefect duty was easy. Simple as walking himself to the Slytherin Towers like always and announcing the password 'Acromantula'. Only this time with ten little ones following him. Once Scorpius had gotten the hang of the night, he felt more confident about the year ahead. They were all just scared first years. He shouldn't have worried so much on the train. Felix was even happy with his new Prefect partner's performance. The two grew up together, as Felix's Dad, Blaise, acted as Scorpius's God Father. Felix was pleased when he heard Scorpius had gotten the position. Maggie Rotuni was the last Slytherin Prefect with Felix, and she did nothing to help with their shared responsibilities which in turn got her badge removed. Felix admitted that seeing Scorpius so worked up scared him and he didn't believe Scorpius would actually do a good job. But, once the feast was over Scorpius took charge and all his fear had gone away. The Scorpius Felix knew was good and well again.

"How did I do?" Scorpius looked over at Felix with a goofy grin. "Pretty good at this stuff, aren't I?"

Felix laughed, "Yeah, Scorp, you're brilliant at herding around first years."

The two made it up the stairs and said goodnight to each other as they headed to their differing dorm rooms. Felix rooming with his fellow 6th years and Scorpius with his 5th years. 

Scorpius opened the door excited to go over his first day as Prefect with his best friend Albus, but as soon as he opened the door his ears were bombarded with snores. All his dormmates had gone into a food coma.

Scorpius went over to his bed, which sat between Albus's and Hector's, and started to get ready for bed himself. He was jealous of how easy it was for his roommates to fall asleep. Scorpius was still wide awake from the adrenaline of doing Prefect duty. Although, right as Scorpius laid his badge on his night table and pulled his blankets up to his chin, the drowsiness came over him and he fell asleep.


Rose woke up to her body being shaken. The first morning of Hogwarts and her first view was a blurry image of her dormmate, Alice, forcing her out of slumber.

Rose grumbled and pushed her away, "What s'matter with you?"

"Rose, you slept through breakfast and we have class in ten minutes!" Alice yelled getting together her uniform.

Rose's eyes flicked open with a start and she jumped from her bed. She shoved her books into her bag and threw on her uniform. She had planned on waking up early to take a shower, have a nice peaceful breakfast (perhaps talk with her first years and give them help finding where their first class will be), and put herself together nicely for the first day of classes. Instead, she tied her knotty ginger hair into a quick bun, smoothed over her wrinkly uniform as best she could and thanked Alice for the blueberry muffin she snuck out of the Hall for her.

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