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THE CLOSER OCTOBER got, the more nervous Scorpius became

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THE CLOSER OCTOBER got, the more nervous Scorpius became. Quidditch try-outs were coming up, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to partake this year. He loved everything about the game. The only problem was he wasn't the best player. The only reason he even made the team in the past years was because of his family name. After Voldemort's downfall, the Malfoys were attacked by the public. Scorpius's Grandfather went to Azkaban, but his Grandmother and Father ended up being excused on account of Harry Potter's testimony. Draco Malfoy helped by surrendering his own wand to Harry to help defeat Voldemort and Narcissa lied to Voldemort allowing Harry to live to fight again. Yes, Draco was innocent with the law, but he was still an enemy to the public.

No matter, the Malfoy name held power. Others believed Draco was condemned for his actions in the war. The simple act of giving his wand to Harry was enough for the public to forgive Draco, but it was hard for everyone to forget the vast history of the Malfoy family.

Draco wanted to change the image of the Malfoy name. He decided to go into the line of work that would help others. Draco became a Head Healer at St. Mungos. Scorpius's Mum, Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass, became head of the Department of International Magical Cooperations. The two held powerful titles and with their joint efforts began the slow climb of identifying themselves. As a powerful Slytherin couple, they were thrilled when their only child was sorted into Slytherin as well. They wanted Scorpius to show everyone a new generation of Malfoys would be better. 

When Scorpius tried out for Quidditch, Slytherins were excited to have a Malfoy on the team. Though, they were quickly disappointed with his ability to play the game. Scorpius didn't make it as a Seeker but he got the position as Chaser. His two fellow Chasers were brilliant, but they often had to do more than they needed to so that Scorpius didn't pull their team down. This year, Scorpius didn't want to feel guilty for their team's loss. No one deliberately blamed Scorpius, but it was obvious it was him.

"Finally! There he is!" Albus cheered, as Scorpius entered the Slytherin common room. He was at the library with his study group for an hour. Albus didn't see the point in studying for a simple quiz, especially during the weekend. "Come on let's go. I have a song I want to practice."

Albus stood up with his drum sticks in his hands and a giant smile on his face.

Scorpius laughed at his friend's excitement, "Alright mate, let me just put away my books and get my guitar."

Scorpius bounded up the stairs to his dorm, threw his bag of books onto his bed, and grabbed his guitar case from under his bed. He went back downstairs, and the two headed out of the common room and towards the music room. Opening the Slytherin door they came face to face with two girls, one a blonde and the other a ginger, both holding a stack of books.

"Going off to play pretend with your toys," Eloise smirked at the two boys holding their instruments.

Rose sighed, "El! Be nice."

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