11 {See Through}

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ROSE SAT AT the circular table keeping her eyes on the dark wood in front of her. She was here to support her friend and cousin and did not want to end the night before it had even started. The outdoor patio was abuzz with excitement for the grand opening of the new addition to the Three Broomsticks. It was really quite beautiful. The stars were bright out today, but the fall chill did not freeze the crowd. The magical border gave off the comforting warmth the indoor section was famous for but with the added bonus of enjoying nature. The patio was about half the size of the indoor space. 

Rose was happy she came along with Albus and Scorpius while they set up. It allowed her to secure a front-row table for her, her friends, and her family before the crowd came... and there was a crowd. They would be comfortable if they spread into the indoor section, but who wanted to do that when the celebration was, and for, outside?

Yes, Rose's family had come to the grand opening to support Madame Rosemerta and to see Albus and Scorpius perform in their first-ever public gig. The family's appearance is what put Rose in such a frigid state. 

It had only been a week since Rose had talked to her dead Uncle Fred about the night Ravana had broken the arch of the Veil, along with the added fact that her Uncle Harry had been there too and felt his scar hurting again. Albus was more adamant than ever in telling his Dad about the visions Rose was having, and Rose agreed. But just not yet. 

So she sat there, with Eloise next to her, trying to act normal as ever while her Uncle Harry sat right across from her along with her Mother and Father. She didn't like the guilty feeling in the pit of her stomach. 

It was not only her family's presence that caused her to feel rigid but the addition of the Malfoy family sitting at the table behind them. It seemed as if the whole school was constantly talking about the exchange of kissed cheeks from Rose and Scorpius, and although seeming to keep it from her family, she wondered if Mr. Draco and Mrs. Astoria had any inclination of the incident.

Rose managed to catch their attention, and the three exchanged a soft smile before Rose looked back at the wooden table. 

"Hello!" Alice had appeared in front of both Eloise and Rose. Her attention was more so on Rose. "Um, a bunch of us are sitting back there -" she pointed at the back right corner where Lorcan Scamander, Nolan Wood, and Tiya Parikh were sitting and chatting happily to one another "- if you want to catch up after the performance."

Rose looked at her fellow Gryffindor friends and gave them a small wave, and although wanting to go over and say hello to them she could feel the tenseness from Eloise right next to her. 

"Perhaps, if there's time," Alice softly nodded at Rose's response and after saying hello to the Granger, Weasley, Potter clan, (and giving a quick hug to her father who was sitting next to Harry) she went back to the corner with the others. 

While they waited for the show to start Eloise and Rose sat there in silence. It seemed both of them were too distracted with other manners at hand. So Rose sat there, staring at the wooden table, listening to her family's conversation. 

Her Mum and her Aunt Ginny were both talking about plans for Christmas break. Uncle Harry, her Dad, and Professor Longbottom were marveling over the changes that Madame Rosemerta had made on the pub. Something they wish they could enjoy as students. It was a good night. A normal night...

"Wizards and witches and all magical friends," the voices quieted as Madame Rosmerta finally made her appearance. Scorpius with a guitar in his hands and Albus sitting at the drums positioned themselves behind her waiting in anticipation. Waiting until their time was ready. "Welcome to the grand opening of the outdoor patio of the Three Broomsticks!"

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