9 {Dead Relative}

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THE AUTUMN WEATHER was becoming colder and colder every day. Students wore layers to classes, drank hot apple cider at meals, and kept the fires roaring in their common rooms and dorms.

No one minded the cold, it was just another excuse to bundle up close to the ones you loved. Though, James Potter, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, minded the cold especially during the first-morning practice till the season officially started. For the veteran players, there was no need for a thirty-minute introduction to how to play in intense weather. The only new teammate was a third-year who had gotten the new beater position. He was to play alongside Fred Weasley, the other beater, throughout the whole practice to get a hang of teamwork and a good rhythm between the Beaters.

As Jame droned on about proper Quidditch attire during the rain, the cold, the snow, the wind, etc. Rose's mind drifted off somewhere else. 

That morning, during breakfast, before Rose had even taken a bite, three Slytherins, Eloise, Albus, and Scorpius came up to her saying they had dire news. She knew instantly it had to do with her sights and The Veil, but James and taken her and the other Quidditch teammates away from breakfast before Rose could even give the three a reply. They followed along and were currently sitting up in the stadium as if making sure nothing happened to Rose during the practice. 

James noticed this too. 

"G.W.," James called out, making Rose jump from her thoughts. G.W. was a Quidditch nickname given to her during the first years of playing the game. It was easier for the announcer, Leo Jordan, to say during the matches than the mouthful 'Granger-Weasley'. "Can you tell me why there are three Slytherins sitting in the stadium watching our practice? One of them being a Slytherin Quidditch player."

Rose raised her eyebrows at her cousin, "What? Do you think they're here to spy on us? One of those Slytherins is your brother and I don't think he's interested in telling the Slytherin team on how we keep warm during matches."

James ignored his cousin and kept looking at the three boys. Albus gave his brother a small wave. 

"Let's get into the air," James finally said, taking his eyes off the three. 

The practice went smoothly. Eric Mulligan, the new Beater, and Fred were having a fun time on their own flying around the field and hitting the Bludger to one another. Tiya, Roxanne, and Rose did their flying drills and worked with Nolan Wood, the Keeper, on shooting and blocking goals. James flew around watching his team and where they needed improvements. The snitch flew around the field as he did so. 

As they continued to practice James took a break and flew over to where the three Slytherins were seated. He got off his broom and took a seat next to them. 

"So," James said looking at his brother and his two friends. "What brings you to our practice?"

Albus rolled his eyes and groaned, "Don't worry your majesty we aren't here to spy. We're waiting for Rose to be done - We need to talk to her."

James looked at Rose flying around and then back at Albus. "Why can't you wait in the castle?"

"Because it's urgent," Scorpius blurted out, gaining shushes from both Eloise and Albus. 

James's eyes fixated on Scorpius. "Malfoy, I've been meaning to have a word with you-"

"Don't worry James, I already talked to him about Rose. There's nothing to worry about."

Eloise scoffed, "Wait. What did you say to Malfoy about Rose?"

Albus shrugged, "I just wanted to know if Scorpius had a thing for Rose, because if so we were going to have a problem."

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