19 {A Visit at Hogsmeade}

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"I CAN SEE them

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"I CAN SEE them..."

"Who? Rose, what are you talking about?" 

"They're trying to kill me..." Rose whispered to herself. 

The three figures were now clear as day. Morgan Le Fay and twins of darkness stood behind her. It sent an icy chill down Rose's chest and her breath froze within her throat. This can't be happening. 

"Scorpius get behind me."

"Rose –"


The blonde-haired boy did as told and stood behind Rose, but stayed close enough to grab her and run if need be.

Morgana stood there tall and proud in her tattered black dress with burn marks all around her; on her dress and on the skin that was exposed. Her twin supporters behind her sniggered. The three took a few steps towards the two love-birds, making Rose tighten the grip on her wand and her other hand to grab at her gray stone necklace. The necklace didn't make her stop seeing the souls nor did it stop her from hearing them as it did for her Uncle Harry. The validity of this necklace was worrying her. What if it did nothing?

"Little Rosie Weasley, is it?" Morgana tilted her head and raised her eyebrows in fake curiosity. "Is this really the obstacle that's in my way?"

"Rose Granger-Weasley, actually," the freckled face Gryffindor responded. "If you are trying to intimidate me you better put some respect on my name."

Morgana threw her head back and chuckled at the girl's words.

Scorpius pulled at the bottom of Rose's sweater. "Rose, who are you talking to?"

Morgana's black eyes went straight to Scorpius and her smile widened.

"Morgan Le Fay –"

A loud screech filled Rose's ears making her fall to her knees on the ground and cover her ears with her hands. Her wand fell next to her knees. Scorpius followed suit holding onto Rose's shoulders and trying to pull her towards him, but she fought back against him.

Rose looked up and saw Morgana's eyes filled with fire and a shadowy aura surrounding her. The twin cronies behind her were now black panthers, their eyes still red, ready to pounce.

"Morgan Le Fay?" Scorpius asked, and another loud screech erupted from the witch, but lucky for Scorpius he couldn't hear. "King Arthur's sister?"

The tall lanky woman's hard face broke with a slight smirk, but the fire in her eyes grew hotter. "Ah, so not all blondes are dumb as they say."

Rose shook Scorpius off of her and stood up, making sure to pick up the wand she had dropped and clutched it even tighter within her hand. She knew no affective spells for a situation like this. She didn't even think magic could help her right now. Though, a wand was better than no wand.

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